Re: Please understand my dire situation (ALL FAIL) and HELP ME CHOOSE FROM MY OPTIONS
Seeking help doesn't necessarily mean emotional counseling, i'm pretty sure izzy88 (who if memory serves has experience with both MQ and USYD..?) was referring to academic counseling. This sort of academic support is there to help you re-focus your attitude and efforts towards your coursework. Using these services shouldn't be seen as a sign of weakness, but rather a pro-active move to get your studies back on track.
Yes sorry perhaps I should have been more clear - the uni offers workshops on time management/essay writing/keeping on track etc. I actually haven't studied at MQ - I seriously considered it when I was choosing uni's and have some experience with other aspects of the uni, but anyway.
Sghguos - employability is based on more than just what average you got in a course from a university. There is more to it (such as co-curriculars, how well you interview, work experience/previous employment in general), which is why it is difficult to give definitive answers to your questions.
I hope you work it all out/good luck with the decisions you have to make.
/i think that's it for me in this thread. I don't think I have anything more to add. Also, I really don't know anything about eco/commerce.