Yes. Me and a few of my friends (5 others) are going to Japan, around the 8th - 12th Nov for a duration of 3.5 weeks. Unfortunately we didn't decide to go skiing (considering me and one other are the only one who can). The main parameters of our journey will be to have an awesome time, walking around immersing ourselves in the culture and of course getting drunk (general shenanigans). We have already been there before two years ago and had an awesome time. We have decided to spend our time at Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka over that time. To those who dont think its an awesome place to go and suggest 'Byron' bay as an alternative, let me jot down a few examples of how a trip to Japan (easily) trumps a trip to an Australian destination:
-Alcohols is much, much cheaper. Im talking from experience around 1000 - 1200Y(en) for a 1.5L bottle of spirits. Plus although the drinking age is 21 over there, people dont care at all (they dont even card you) because 'white' people look much older and larger than them. They're so chill they sell alcohol out of vending machines (and fried chicken also)
-Accommodation is much cheaper. Im comparing this to the ridiculous prices the put on holiday accommodation during 'schoolie' season. (The accommodation of one place up in QLD for 1.5 weeks cost us the same as 3.5 weeks in Japan, and we had a travel agent double check).
-The culture over there is fucken the bees knees, i have been before, and everyone i talk to agrees: the history, manga, nightlife you name it.
-Societal structure is awesome. Everyone over there is always so nice and accepting/ helpful of foreigners over there. The upbringing they experience over there has molded them to to passive and obedient people ie. there is little to no crime.
- Fire works are legal over there. you have no idead how keen i am to having a hotel party, getting wasted and shooting fireworks off the roof.
- Getting keen to go to amusement parks over there. Getting wasted and revisting the 'Steel Dragon' (second tallest roller coaster in the world) should be a story to tell.
-Kyoto nightlife is supposed to be epic.
-Near enough to countless other reasons.
Dude if your going there at the same time and your in the same cities feel free to hit us up. p.s. guys going to Byron Bay take care not to get sting by any Jelly fish, or you know... shanked by dero's.