Can I possibly see how you were marked if you got it back?
I attained a mark of 95. (2nd - 1st exam rank was 97) - I do SOR2 though
So I lost two in the multiple choice - for the following
8) Which of the following was recognized by the High Court of Australia in 1992 in relation to Indigenous claims for Land Rights? I put B (Pastoral leases could co-exist with native Title), when the answer was that Terra Nullius was a legal fiction - I was conflicted about this and another question (I did no study for this topic so I was running purely on memory from literally November last year) and I chose pastoral leases could co-exist with Native Title for THIS and ANOTHER question, so I could get 1/2 instead of 0/2 if I got them both mixed up...
Okay, I got another multiple choice wrong but that was in religion/non-religion so not relevant to sor1
Short answer: 28/30 - I got 4/5 for one Judaism question and 5/6 for the last Islam question (full marks for the rest)
Christianity 19/20 - person/practice/ethics (John Paul II/Baptism/Bioethics)
So basically my main argument was how the sacred text (principally the Bible) has an an ongoing influence on shaping the dynamic and living faith-based tradition of Christianity; it is the foundational reference point for operative Christianity. I stated that Baptism transfigures an individual into the church; it is a trinitarian act of initiation which requires an individual to respond perpetually to their Baptismal call. Again, the sacred texts being the reference point where principle teachings can be contemporaneously applied into an adherents life. I further used John Paul II as a means of exemplifying his response to his baptismal call; where the Bible is of critical importance in formulating his bioethical teachings (so all three practice/person/ethics are intertwined - with essential connection and reliance on sacred texts. So I got 19 and the comment was "very well argued + constructed, well done - excellent links to the question."
Hope that was of any help...