Having done both food tech and hospitality in Prelim then just FT in HSC I would say food tech. Hospitality involves a lot of practicals, work placements, and in some schools holiday classes. It also scales more poorly than Food Tech I believe, despite taking up more time, and your hsc exam counts for 100% of your HSC which is a bit of pressure on your final exam.
Food Tech is not extremely complicated concepts or anything but it still takes up a bit of time because it is content heavy and you need to remember details such as specific laws, the details of them and dates and things. I would still recommend food tech more though as it is significantly less time consuming and scales better I'm 99% sure. It does get a bit boring, however the hospitality textbooks and assignments are huggeee.
I haven't really loved either subject but looking at your other subjects I would definitely say Food Tech would be best. Hope that helped