Moderation Question (1 Viewer)


New Member
Feb 1, 2013
Recently we had a BOS representative give a talk at our school about the HSC and some of what she has said has stressed the hell out of me. In the presentation she gave she had an example of a cohort's assessment marks and hsc marks. From what I saw, one of the students who was ranked 2nd got the highest exam mark. This exam mark went to the student ranked 1st internally, but the student ranked 2nd who actually got the mark ended up with a different exam mark? I think it changed from a 98 to a 97. She also mentioned that this was determined by adding everyone's marks in between first and last and dividing it from what I recall.

Can your exam mark change? Hypothetically, if I was ranked 2nd internally and got a 98 could this be changed in anyway?

Also in this article:
In one of the examples the student who was ranked first internally with a 90, got the highest exam mark which was 92. His moderated internal mark then became 92 as well. Does this mean that if I was ranked first internally and could obtain a higher exam mark this would increase my assessment mark?

I'm worried because I go to a really low ranked school and most of my cohort doesn't put in the effort. If I ended up ranked 2nd internally with an assessment mark of 90 and got an exam mark of 95, while the rest of my class got marks around 40-50, would I be dragged down because of it?

Sorry for the long read,


Feb 26, 2008
Internal marks themselves essentially mean nothing, only the relative gaps between each student matter. They are then moderated against the cohorts external performance.

You will keep your (aligned) exam mark regardless of internal performance.

The only case where I believe you can legitimately say you are pulled down by your cohort is if you hypothetically tied first and no one (including the person you tied first with) performed anywhere near as well as you in the exam.
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May 1, 2011
I'm worried because I go to a really low ranked school and most of my cohort doesn't put in the effort. If I ended up ranked 2nd internally with an assessment mark of 90 and got an exam mark of 95, while the rest of my class got marks around 40-50, would I be dragged down because of it?
Disregard whatever your internal assessment mark is; your assessment mark used for getting your aligned HSC mark is just the moderated marks of your cohort's external performance, with respect to the gaps between the ranks.

In your example, you and 1st would likely have been outliers to the rest of the class so you would have been unaffected by the rest of the class's marks.

If you're worried about your school, don't. Just concentrate on your own efforts to try and get as close to 1st as possible since it's unlikely the student ranked 1st wouldn't try his best to get the highest mark as possible.


New Member
Oct 5, 2011
Recently we had a BOS representative give a talk at our school about the HSC and some of what she has said has stressed the hell out of me. In the presentation she gave she had an example of a cohort's assessment marks and hsc marks. From what I saw, one of the students who was ranked 2nd got the highest exam mark. This exam mark went to the student ranked 1st internally, but the student ranked 2nd who actually got the mark ended up with a different exam mark? I think it changed from a 98 to a 97. She also mentioned that this was determined by adding everyone's marks in between first and last and dividing it from what I recall.

Can your exam mark change? Hypothetically, if I was ranked 2nd internally and got a 98 could this be changed in anyway?
You may have confused the moderated assessment mark with the HSC exam mark. You keep your HSC exam mark, period. That is your own performance, no other marks can affect that.

You are referring to the moderated assessment mark (the bold part). 2nd retains 98 - the highest exam mark - since it was their own performance. But their moderated assessment mark would have been either 96 or 97 (depends how the rounding goes). So (96+98)/2 = 97.

Note that 2nd/3rd/4th place does not receive the 2nd/3rd/4th highest exam mark etc. That simply does not happen.

Also in this article:
In one of the examples the student who was ranked first internally with a 90, got the highest exam mark which was 92. His moderated internal mark then became 92 as well. Does this mean that if I was ranked first internally and could obtain a higher exam mark this would increase my assessment mark?

I'm worried because I go to a really low ranked school and most of my cohort doesn't put in the effort. If I ended up ranked 2nd internally with an assessment mark of 90 and got an exam mark of 95, while the rest of my class got marks around 40-50, would I be dragged down because of it?

Sorry for the long read,
In that example, that 90 is the unmoderated, unaligned, raw school mark. His moderated assessment mark was 92 because the highest exam mark was 92, and it so happens that they also achieved the highest exam mark, therefore, (92+92)/2 = 92.

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