well I have an exam next Wednesday on the film psycho which most likely proves my capabilities and im on this forum, so I think its a good indicator of how motivated I am for English rn... I know all you BoS are friendly and take time out of your day to help me but I feel bad because what if I don't make it and just waste your time...
1)You have an exam next Wednesday on the film psycho
-one exam does not prove your capabilities, nor does being on this forum highlights how motivated/unmotivated you are for English
-make sure you have your analysis, visual techniques, ideas completed for the film in relation to your module/area of study
-Try to finish a practice essay and email it to your teacher for marking, or if you already have, write another practice essay based on the feedback and comments your teacher has given you
-ask on the relevant forums if you want anyone to look over your practice runs over the weekend-remember to do it under EXAM CONDITIONS
2)You feel bad because you are worried if you don't make it and just waste the time of others helping you
-Stop worrying about failing, and start visualising on yourself succeeding and start taking proactive steps to resolve your stress and goals-i.e. by following the steps above
-There is no need to feel bad if you are willing to give everything, including English your best shot and try all methods you can to improve your results and interest in this subject through persistent practicing and understanding which will certainly improve your marks
-You have nothing to worry about with so many people on Bos forums, these include experienced teachers, university students, past HSC students and current and future HSC students to support you-you will never be without any support-use it wisely, ask questions, get help, stop stressing
-Since you intend on doing English extension one, it is absolutely vital you grasp essential essay writing skills and analytical thinking, don't let one bad exam result impede your interest, one single comment to put you down-try your best in your upcoming exam and you have not waste anyone's time.
To succeed in English, and indeed in life, it is all about listening and acting on good advice(including criticisms of your work), trying hard and never, EVER, give up-I wish you all the best for doing well in your assessment next week and beyond