greyhound racing using live baits (2 Viewers)


Active Member
Sep 22, 2012
Monday night's program showed footage of live piglets, possums and rabbits being fixed to mechanical lures and catapulted around tracks while being chased, and eventually killed, by dogs.

That's just ruthless man, at least when we Asians kill dogs and whales, we kill them quickly and actually use the animals for food and leathers etc, not for entertainment and gambling...

Moral of the story, bet on horse race and not greyhounds.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2014
TRANSLATION: OP is mad because the piglets could have been eaten by the chinese people in the detention centre.


Active Member
May 12, 2012
Look Up.
This is not as simple as you think or the program would like you to believe.

1. "Greyhound racing" is not using live baiting. A select number of criminals are, and they will be duly punished for their activities. If you want to look up some facts, and not just blindly swear by the Four Corners program, you would realise there have been 20 persons with allegations against them, out of an industry comprised of several THOUSAND participants, 30000+ to be exact. This issue is simply NOT widespread, as the ABC and 'Animal Welfare' investigators would like you to believe, it is a dirty tactic they have employed to turn the mainstream public against the code.

2. The NSW Government issued an official parliamentary inquiry into the code last year. The result of the inquiry found that greyhound racing is on the whole a very caring industry with minimal welfare issues, with those issues which exist (i.e as shown yesterday) to be heavily policed and investigated to be stamped out. Again, it is not widespread, rather, concentrated to a select few criminals who are unfortunately dragging the reputation of the industry through the dirt due to their terrible actions. All greyhound authorites have adapted a hard line stance against the action, and have put together task forces, etc to find these offenders, which Four Corners and the media like to not publicise, as it obviously works against their completely bias agenda to damage the reputation of the industry, and criminalise all it's participants, guilty and innocent, because the media prefers a story than the truth- hows that quote go- "don't let the truth get in the way of a good story". If you would like to read that report of the inquiry, go to page 93 of this link, which talks about the findings of the inquiry into welfare.$FILE/Greyhound%20Racing%20in%20New%20South%20Wales%20-%20First%20Report.pdf

3. The mere idea that greyhounds are not treated correctly by their trainers is just simply blasphemy to me. It is not even logical. How can you expect a greyhound to perform well in their races, if they are not cared for and properly nurtured? As a participant I reject the implication that the broader greyhound community is involved in any illegal activities, as the use of "widespread" would imply. I, and the large majority of participants have great amounts of respect and pride in their dogs, and additionally, if you know the breed, you would know that they love to race and work in their training, its just natural to them and they enjoy it.

And if you think horse racing is clean on welfare, let me ask you, what do you think happens to the majority of horses at the end of their careers? The dogs become pets.

I can't emphasis enough that these criminal behaviours are the activity of a small number of people- 20 alleged, who should and surely will feel the full brute of the law. It is simply not the attitude and behaviour of the large greyhound participant community who do the right thing, who will stand against these actions and should also not be targeted as a result. The task forces which have been created with faith will eliminate the dirt from the sport, although the image has sadly already been damaged, and I fear this will have severe impacts on the livelihood of the 99% of industry who do the right thing, with some sponsors already pulling out. I hope the wider participant community will stand united against those who seek to damage the reputation and use it as motivation to weed out those who have no regard for the law, and come out of this disaster stronger.

Also, here is GRNSW's (NSW's Greyhound Authority) official response to the airing of the program last night:, which I, as a participant, stand by and fully support. These small number of criminals are damaging the industry and making the large majority of innocent parties involved look bad who are doing the right thing. “Tonight’s Four Corners program did not reflect the actions of the majority involved in the sport and the tremendous progress the industry has made in the areas of animal welfare, integrity and eradicating animal cruelty in recent years,” he said.

“We need to stamp out live baiting once and for all. Not only is it illegal but it is sickening and we are disgusted with what we have witnessed on air."

These are just some of the points which I needed to put out there. There is much more I could go into if anyone wants, I have extensive knowledge of the industry, and more than happy to at least have my say in favour of those innocent participants (29980/30000) being victimised by the airing of the program and the action of a small minority of criminals.
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Active Member
Sep 22, 2012
TRANSLATION: OP is mad because the piglets could have been eaten by the chinese people in the detention centre.
It's okay, I'm going to eat lots of shark fin soup this weekend for the Chinese new year.


Dec 20, 2012
This is not as simple as you think or the program would like you to believe.

1. "Greyhound racing" is not using live baiting. A select number of criminals are, and they will be duly punished for their activities. If you want to look up some facts, and not just blindly swear by the Four Corners program, you would realise there have been 20 persons with allegations against them, out of an industry comprised of several THOUSAND participants, 30000+ to be exact. This issue is simply NOT widespread, as the ABC and 'Animal Welfare' investigators would like you to believe, it is a dirty tactic they have employed to turn the mainstream public against the code.

2. The NSW Government issued an official parliamentary inquiry into the code last year. The result of the inquiry found that greyhound racing is on the whole a very caring industry with minimal welfare issues, with those issues which exist (i.e as shown yesterday) to be heavily policed and investigated to be stamped out. Again, it is not widespread, rather, concentrated to a select few criminals who are unfortunately dragging the reputation of the industry through the dirt due to their terrible actions. All greyhound authorites have adapted a hard line stance against the action, and have put together task forces, etc to find these offenders, which Four Corners and the media like to not publicise, as it obviously works against their completely bias agenda to damage the reputation of the industry, and criminalise all it's participants, guilty and innocent, because the media prefers a story than the truth- hows that quote go- "don't let the truth get in the way of a good story". If you would like to read that report of the inquiry, go to page 93 of this link, which talks about the findings of the inquiry into welfare.$FILE/Greyhound%20Racing%20in%20New%20South%20Wales%20-%20First%20Report.pdf

3. The mere idea that greyhounds are not treated correctly by their trainers is just simply blasphemy to me. It is not even logical. How can you expect a greyhound to perform well in their races, if they are not cared for and properly nurtured? As a participant I reject the implication that the broader greyhound community is involved in any illegal activities, as the use of "widespread" would imply. I, and the large majority of participants have great amounts of respect and pride in their dogs, and additionally, if you know the breed, you would know that they love to race and work in their training, its just natural to them and they enjoy it.

And if you think horse racing is clean on welfare, let me ask you, what do you think happens to the majority of horses at the end of their careers? The dogs become pets.

I can't emphasis enough that these criminal behaviours are the activity of a small number of people- 20 alleged, who should and surely will feel the full brute of the law. It is simply not the attitude and behaviour of the large greyhound participant community who do the right thing, who will stand against these actions and should also not be targeted as a result. The task forces which have been created with faith will eliminate the dirt from the sport, although the image has sadly already been damaged, and I fear this will have severe impacts on the livelihood of the 99% of industry who do the right thing, with some sponsors already pulling out. I hope the wider participant community will stand united against those who seek to damage the reputation and use it as motivation to weed out those who have no regard for the law, and come out of this disaster stronger.

Also, here is GRNSW's (NSW's Greyhound Authority) official response to the airing of the program last night:, which I, as a participant, stand by and fully support. These small number of criminals are damaging the industry and making the large majority of innocent parties involved look bad who are doing the right thing. “Tonight’s Four Corners program did not reflect the actions of the majority involved in the sport and the tremendous progress the industry has made in the areas of animal welfare, integrity and eradicating animal cruelty in recent years,” he said.

“We need to stamp out live baiting once and for all. Not only is it illegal but it is sickening and we are disgusted with what we have witnessed on air."

These are just some of the points which I needed to put out there. There is much more I could go into if anyone wants, I have extensive knowledge of the industry, and more than happy to at least have my say in favour of those innocent participants (29980/30000) being victimised by the airing of the program and the action of a small minority of criminals.
ebbygoo, 4 Corners actually provided evidence from across the spectrum of the industry - from arguably Australia's best trainer racing to the little guy at the coal face of the sport. The whole industry should be shut down. 18,000 dogs are also slaughtered every year because they were slow. Blood sport.
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Dec 20, 2012
This is not as simple as you think or the program would like you to believe.

1. "Greyhound racing" is not using live baiting. A select number of criminals are, and they will be duly punished for their activities. If you want to look up some facts, and not just blindly swear by the Four Corners program, you would realise there have been 20 persons with allegations against them, out of an industry comprised of several THOUSAND participants, 30000+ to be exact. This issue is simply NOT widespread, as the ABC and 'Animal Welfare' investigators would like you to believe, it is a dirty tactic they have employed to turn the mainstream public against the code.

2. The NSW Government issued an official parliamentary inquiry into the code last year. The result of the inquiry found that greyhound racing is on the whole a very caring industry with minimal welfare issues, with those issues which exist (i.e as shown yesterday) to be heavily policed and investigated to be stamped out. Again, it is not widespread, rather, concentrated to a select few criminals who are unfortunately dragging the reputation of the industry through the dirt due to their terrible actions. All greyhound authorites have adapted a hard line stance against the action, and have put together task forces, etc to find these offenders, which Four Corners and the media like to not publicise, as it obviously works against their completely bias agenda to damage the reputation of the industry, and criminalise all it's participants, guilty and innocent, because the media prefers a story than the truth- hows that quote go- "don't let the truth get in the way of a good story". If you would like to read that report of the inquiry, go to page 93 of this link, which talks about the findings of the inquiry into welfare.$FILE/Greyhound%20Racing%20in%20New%20South%20Wales%20-%20First%20Report.pdf

3. The mere idea that greyhounds are not treated correctly by their trainers is just simply blasphemy to me. It is not even logical. How can you expect a greyhound to perform well in their races, if they are not cared for and properly nurtured? As a participant I reject the implication that the broader greyhound community is involved in any illegal activities, as the use of "widespread" would imply. I, and the large majority of participants have great amounts of respect and pride in their dogs, and additionally, if you know the breed, you would know that they love to race and work in their training, its just natural to them and they enjoy it.

And if you think horse racing is clean on welfare, let me ask you, what do you think happens to the majority of horses at the end of their careers? The dogs become pets.

I can't emphasis enough that these criminal behaviours are the activity of a small number of people- 20 alleged, who should and surely will feel the full brute of the law. It is simply not the attitude and behaviour of the large greyhound participant community who do the right thing, who will stand against these actions and should also not be targeted as a result. The task forces which have been created with faith will eliminate the dirt from the sport, although the image has sadly already been damaged, and I fear this will have severe impacts on the livelihood of the 99% of industry who do the right thing, with some sponsors already pulling out. I hope the wider participant community will stand united against those who seek to damage the reputation and use it as motivation to weed out those who have no regard for the law, and come out of this disaster stronger.

Also, here is GRNSW's (NSW's Greyhound Authority) official response to the airing of the program last night:, which I, as a participant, stand by and fully support. These small number of criminals are damaging the industry and making the large majority of innocent parties involved look bad who are doing the right thing. “Tonight’s Four Corners program did not reflect the actions of the majority involved in the sport and the tremendous progress the industry has made in the areas of animal welfare, integrity and eradicating animal cruelty in recent years,” he said.

“We need to stamp out live baiting once and for all. Not only is it illegal but it is sickening and we are disgusted with what we have witnessed on air."

These are just some of the points which I needed to put out there. There is much more I could go into if anyone wants, I have extensive knowledge of the industry, and more than happy to at least have my say in favour of those innocent participants (29980/30000) being victimised by the airing of the program and the action of a small minority of criminals.
ebbygoo, 4 Corners actually provided evidence from across the spectrum of the industry - from arguably Australia's best trainer racing to the little guy at the coal face of the sport. The whole industry should be shut down. 18,000 dogs are also slaughtered every year because they were slow. Blood sport.


Active Member
Sep 22, 2012

Thousands of horse and dogs are killed every year because Aussies love to gamble. Yet ebbygoo try to convince us the dogs are kept as pet after they are "retired" from racing.

Aussies being hypocrites, on one side the politicians accuse Japanese for killing whales, on the other side they allow this blood sport in the country.

Hundreds of thousands greyhounds and their prey are bred and killed for your entertainment!


Active Member
May 12, 2012
Look Up.
ebbygoo, 4 Corners actually provided evidence from across the spectrum of the industry - from arguably Australia's best trainer racing to the little guy at the coal face of the sport. The whole industry should be shut down. 18,000 dogs are also slaughtered every year because they were slow. Blood sport.
This is complete ignorance.

There are 20 alleged offenders. 20 offenders is NOT 30000. 20 offenders across the spectrum.
They provided evidence for a handful of offenders, not evidence to shut down the industry.
Your number of 18000 is also completely off, and inaccurate. Also how do you, as an individual, determine that the dogs are put down for being 'slow'. There are numerous reasons for which a dog may be put down, and the issue of dogs dying is not a greyhound problem, its a broader social issue- greyhounds only form a small number of dogs which are put down every year. After going through 200 hours of work experience at a vet, there were countless more other breeds 'put down' simply because the 'owners' didn't want to pay for the treatment of their animals. I assure you, greyhounds are treated like royalty compared to most household dogs.
Also, who are you to determine 'the whole industry should be shut down'? You are no better than the 4Corners reporters who used complete bias in their report to damage the livelihood and reputation of the innocent and larger participant base who does not tolerate the actions which were presented yesterday, and stand against any animal mistreatment.
I will not discuss the issue further unless you want to support your statements with correct evidence and/or do some solid research into the topic, rather than quote a misrepresented program on ABC, otherwise honestly I am wasting my time discussing it with you.


Active Member
May 12, 2012
Look Up.

Thousands of horse and dogs are killed every year because Aussies love to gamble. Yet ebbygoo try to convince us the dogs are kept as pet after they are "retired" from racing.

Aussies being hypocrites, on one side the politicians accuse Japanese for killing whales, on the other side they allow this blood sport in the country.

Hundreds of thousands greyhounds and their prey are bred and killed for your entertainment!
I completely object to your statement. Again, you have provided no evidence, and are simply incorrect.
Not only that, you show you are not informed properly in the issue by the suggestion that there are 'hundreds of thousands' of greyhounds- your numbers aren't even logical.
Dogs are kept after their retirement. GAP (NSW) is one official rehoming program with large funding from GRNSW and the NSW government alone who have ensured the wellbeing of thousands of greyhounds (3000 per year from memory, as stated in the official NSW Parliamentary Enquiry), and the funding for this program is only increasing.
Animal welfare, simply put, is not a widespread issue in the industry. It is an issue for a small number of lowlifes in the industry who should and surely will be weeded out by the task forces which have been set up to combat the issue, and hopefully resolve any misrepresentation seen recently.


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2013

Thousands of horse and dogs are killed every year because Aussies love to gamble. Yet ebbygoo try to convince us the dogs are kept as pet after they are "retired" from racing.

Aussies being hypocrites, on one side the politicians accuse Japanese for killing whales, on the other side they allow this blood sport in the country.

Hundreds of thousands greyhounds and their prey are bred and killed for your entertainment!
And you eat shark fin. what the fuck is wrong with you. shark fin has 0 taste and its fucked the way they get it. we get pissy when the nips whale in OUR goddamn territory.

When can this moron/troll be banned again.


Dec 20, 2012
Lol also what about those "in house" Vets of those horse trainers who doped horses up with Cobalt. Vets eventhough they get the title "Dr" but are not real Drs and earn crap money and so resort to these practices for cash in hand.

4 Corners should have pixiled out that screaming piglet that was being torn to pieces. Makes ISIS videos look PG.


Active Member
Sep 22, 2012


Active Member
May 12, 2012
Look Up.
Lol also what about those "in house" Vets of those horse trainers who doped horses up with Cobalt. Vets eventhough they get the title "Dr" but are not real Drs and earn crap money and so resort to these practices for cash in hand.

4 Corners should have pixiled out that screaming piglet that was being torn to pieces. Makes ISIS videos look PG.
So you are now resorting to having a go at vets? Vets who undergo six years of university to gain their doctorates degree? I think I am done dealing with you, you seem to have no evidence, and do not want to discuss the issue, rather criticise, make false unsupported accusations, and cause drama.


Active Member
May 12, 2012
Look Up.

F***king hell, can white people get anything right? The video is a Japanese guy, dressed in traditional Japanese fishermen clothing, in front of Japanese building, speaking Japanese to Japanese crowd... And it's shown in a article condemning China.. Go figure.
I don't understand what you're on about, and how this relates to the greyhound industry at all? That link is showing widespread animal cruelty which does exist in China- that has nothing to do with the 20 alleged offenders/criminals of the 30000 greyhound industry participants.


Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2009
So you are now resorting to having a go at vets? Vets who undergo six years of university to gain their doctorates degree? I think I am done dealing with you, you seem to have no evidence, and do not want to discuss the issue, rather criticise, make false unsupported accusations, and cause drama.
Really? Do ordinary Vets, who are allowed to use the title "Dr" actually have a Doctorate? Your garden variety GPs, with an MBBS has no Doctorate either; the MBBS stands for Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, only have a combined undergraduate degree.
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Active Member
May 12, 2012
Look Up.
Really? Do ordinary Vets, who are allowed to use the title "Dr" actually have a Doctorate? Your garden variety GPs, with an MBBS has no Doctorate either; the MBBS stands for Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, only have a combined undergraduate degree.
Well Sydney Uni is a 'DOCTOR OF VETERINARY MEDICINE', and it and Charles Sturt are the only schools offering the degree in NSW- and Charles Sturt, especially being in a rural area, is aimed towards graduating rural vets (cattle, etc). So yeah, I believe so.

But again I don't see the relevance of this to the discussion?


Just Bee Yourself 🐝
Nov 26, 2008
F***king hell, can white people get anything right?
White people put a man on the moon while most of china were still working in rice fields.

The video is a Japanese guy, dressed in traditional Japanese fishermen clothing, in front of Japanese building, speaking Japanese to Japanese crowd... And it's shown in a article condemning China.. Go figure.
That doesn't invalidate the rest of the article which refers to the pictures.


Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2009
Well they have cheapened the Doctorate. In any case making the degree "Doctor of Veterinary Medicine" does not make it one. 50 to 60 years ago, if some had an MSc, say, he was held with high regard. Nowadays, a Masters has become a-dime-a-dozen.

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