Greece Past Paper Questions (1 Viewer)


is hating uni & study
May 29, 2003
on the dance floor with a bottle of tequila
Just a quick note: THIS THREAD IS ONLY FOR PAST PAPER QUESTIONS. There aren't any notes posted here, and we would like you to NOT request notes here.
Please check out the Bored of Studies Resources page. There are also notes posted throughout the Ancient History Forum. If you're lazy enough to not make your own notes, then please be patient sifting through all the posts to find notes made by gratious members. Thank you!

Guys, I've decided to merge all the past paper question threads into one. So in this thread there will be Personality, Society and Period questions on Greece. Please feel free to add ones that you have :)

a) Outline the social position of Pericles (5)
b) Explain the role of Pericles in the causes of the Peloponnesian War (10)
c) With reference to sources, assess the achievements of Pericles (10)

a) Briefly descrbe the family background and education of Pericles (5)
b) Explain the purpose and extent of Pericles' building program (10)
c) Evaluate the ancient or modern interpretations of Pericles (10)

a) Briefly describe Pericles' building program (5)
b) With reference to sources, explain Pericles' role as a general (strategos) (8)
c) Assess the importance of Pericles in the development of Athenian democracy (12)

Alexander the Great
a) Outline the social position of Alexander the Great (5)
b) Explain the administration of Alexadner's empire (10)
c) With reference to sources, assess the achievements of Alexander the Great (10)

a) Briefly describe the family background and education of Alexander (5)
b) Explain the reasons for the military achievements of Alexander (10)
c) Evaluate the ancient or modern interpretations of Alexander (10)

a) Briefly describe how Alexander established his control over the Greek mainland (5)
b) With reference to sources, explain the impact of Alexander's personality on his officers and soldiers (8)
c) Assess the achievements of Alexander the Great (10)

Cleopatra VII
a) Outline the social position of Cleopatra VII (5)
b) Explain the significant of Cleopatra's relationship with Julius Caesar (10)
c) With reference to sources, assess the achievements of Cleopatra VII (10)

a) Briefly describe the family background of Cleopatra VII (5)
b) Explain the significance of Cleopatra's relationship with Mark Antony (10)
c) Evaluate the ancient or modern interpretations of Cleopatra (10)

a) Briefly describe the significance of the Battle of Actium (5)
b) With reference to sources, explain Cleopatra's role and image as a queen (8)
c) Assess the success of Cleopatra as the ruler of Egypt (12)

a) Briefly describe Cleopatra’s personality and attributes (5)
b) Explain the reasons for Cleopatra’s death (10)
c) Assess the significance of Cleopatra’s legacy in her own time and beyond (10)

Spartan Society
- name two elected positions in Spartan govt [2]
- what were two activities of Spartan kings? [2]
- describe the funerary rites for Spartan kings [5]
- outline the economic structure of Spartan society [6]
- explain the role of the eduction system with reference to sources [10]

- name two functions of the krypteia [2]
- what is meant by kleroi [2]
- describe the role of the periokoi [5]
- explain the roles and privileges of Spartan kings [6]
- explain the importance of eduction and training of Spartan girls with reference to sources [10]

essay/all 25 marks

- what purpose did the Spartan social structure have?
- assess the role of women in Spartan society
- explain what opportunities a Spartan citizen had to participate in Spartan political life
- explain the importance of the role played by Spartan women within their society
- assess the importance of the Spartan educational system
- explain what archaeological evidence reveals about Spartan society
- explain the roles and privileges of Spartan kings
(thanks to jimmik)

a) name two spartan settlements (2)
b) what were two duties carried out by the ephors (2)
c) describe the rights of the perioici (5 marks)
d) outline the response of Sparta to the revolt of the messenians (6)
e) explain the Spartan system of government (10)

Greece 500BC to 440BC
Assess the Athenian contribution to the defeat of the Persian invasion and the continuing Persian threat. (25)

Explain the preparations made by both the Greeks and the Persians for the invasion of 480BC. (25)

Account for the development of Athenian naval power during the period (25)

Analyse the contributions of Themistocles to the Greek victory in the Persian wars, 480-479BC (25)

Assess the relationship between Athens and Sparta during this period (25)

Assess the military, social and political impact on Greece resulting from the introduction of hoplite warfare (25)

Assess the reason for the victory of the Greeks in the Persian wars (480-479BC) (25)

Assess the significance of Cimon to the Greek world (25)

Assess the contributions of Miltiades and Themistocles to the Persian Wars (25)

Assess the contributions of Aristides (the Just) and Cimon to Athens. (25)

Explain the origins and activities of the Delian league during this period. (25)

Account for the development of Athenian democracy during this period (25)

Account for the transformation of the Delian League into the Athenian empire (25)

Explain the methods used by the Athenians to transform the Delian League into the Athenian empire (25)

Explain the causes of the First Peloponnesian War (25)
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Resident Priss
May 2, 2003
in the process of typing up all essay questions - just for starters some on teh Greek World 500 - 440BC

· How did the experience of the Ionian Revolt and the Battle of Marathon affect the Greek defence against the Persian invasion of 480BC

· Why did the Persians invade Greece in 480BC? What preparations did the Greeks make for this invasion

· Assess the contributions of Athens and Sparta to the victory of the Greeks in the Persian Wars 480- 479. Which city-state contributed more to the victory

· Discuss the reasons for victory in any TWO of the following battles: marathon, salamis, Plataea

· What were the strengths and weakness of the Greeks who fought against Xerxes? Why did the Greeks win?

· What was themistocles contribution to the defence of Greece against the Persian? How important was his contribution to the success of the Greeks?

· Assess Themiscoles role in the defeat of the Persians in 480-479BC

· Why was the Delian League formed? What were the similarities and differences to the Peloponnesian League

· Discuss the relationship b/w Athens and her allies in the first ten years of the Delian League’s existence (478 – 768BC)

· Explain the methods used by the Athenians to transform the Delian League into the Athenian Empire

· Explain the main features of the development of Athenian naval power in the period 500-400BC

· What benefits did Athens gain from her empire and what grievances did the members of her empire suffer after 454BC

· Assess the contribution of Miltades and Themistocles to the Persian wars

· Explain the origins and activities of the delian league during this period

· Assess the significance of naval power in the conflicts b/w Greeks and Persians in this period

· Assess the contributions of Aristides (the just) and Cimon to Athens during this period

· Assess the reasons for the victory of the Greeks in the second Persian war (480-479BC)

· Explain the development of Athenian democracy during this period

· Assess the role campaigns against Persian and revolts played in the ‘Delian League’

· Explain the success of the Greeks against Persia during the years 480 – 479BC

· Explain the nature and activities of the Peloponnesian League during this period

· Assess the role of Sparta during the Persian invasion of Greece 480 – 479BC

· Assess the importance of the Delian league to both Athens and her allies

· Explain the role played by significant individuals in the Greek success against the invading Persians

· Explain the development and nature of Athenian democracy during this period

· Evaluate the preparations made by the Greek city states to meet the Persian invasion of 490 and 480BC

· Evaluate the importance of Greek naval power in the defeat of the Persians

· Why did the Persians invade Greece in 480BC? What preparations did the Greeks make for this invasion

· Explain the main features of the development of Athenian naval power in this period

· Explain the nature and composition of the Peloponnesian league during this period

· Explain the roles of Mardonius and Pausanias the Regent in the Persian wars

· Explain the transformation of the Delian league into the Athenian Empire

· 2004 HSC – Explain the reasons for the defeat of the Persians in 490 and 480-479BC

· 2004 HSC – Explain the development and impact of the Athenian empire

· 2004 HSC – Assess the contributions and impact of Sparta and its leaders during the Persians wars

· 2004 HSC – Explain the development and nature of Athenian democracy during his period

  • Outline the political changes in fifth century athens from Themistocles to Ephialtes. What was teh most significant political change in this period?
  • To what extent was greek unity important in enabling the greeks to defeat the persians in 480-479BC
  • What were themistocles contributions to athens?
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is hating uni & study
May 29, 2003
on the dance floor with a bottle of tequila
thanks to MissSavage29

Spartan Society
· Name TWO gods/goddesses worships in ancient Sparta (2)
· What were Klerois? (2)
· Describe the role of the family in Spartan society (5)
· Outline the man features of Spartan Education (6)
· Reference to sources – explain the roles and privileges of the Spartan Kings (10)

2004 HSC
· Name TWO Spartan festivals (2)
· Who were the military elite (2)
· Outline the main features of Spartan Land ownership and inheritance (5)
· Describe the roles and privileges of the Spartan Kings (6)
· Reference to sources – explain the significance of the Spartan education system (10)

Spartan Additional Society
Evaluate the statement that “Lycurgan reforms allowed for the development of Sparta as the leading military state”

· Evaluate the statement that “Spartan citizens were equals”

· What were the religious beliefs of the Spartans? How important was religion to them

· Explain what relevant evidence reveals about the Spartan military way of life

· Explain the social structure of Spartan and its significance in Spartan society


New Member
Sep 4, 2005
sparta questions from past papers

i) List TWO advantages of Sparta’s geographical location. 2
(ii) What role did perioeci play in Spartan society? 3
(iii) How was Sparta governed? 5
(iv) Describe a major religious festival celebrated in Sparta. 5

(a) Name TWO Spartan kings.
(b) What were TWO leisure activities in ancient Sparta? 2
(c) Describe the role of the helots in Spartan society. 2
(d) Outline the main features of the Spartan education system. 5
(e) With reference to Source 9 and other evidence, explain the Spartan system of
government. 10

(a) Name TWO geographical features in the region of Sparta. 2
(b) What were TWO roles of Spartan women? 2
(c) Describe the roles of the krypteia in Spartan society. 5
(d) Outline the roles and privileges of Spartan kings. 6
(e) With reference to Source 9 and other evidence, explain the roles of the perioikoi
in Spartan society. 10

(a) Name TWO resources of ancient Sparta. 2
(b) Who were the helots? 2
(c) Describe the main leisure activities in Spartan society. 5
(d) Outline the main features of the Spartan economy. 6
(e) With reference to Source 9 and other evidence, explain the main features of
Spartan religion. 10


New Member
Oct 1, 2011
Re: sparta questions from past papers

Does anyone have any questions or know where to get notes for option J, 4th Century Greece to the death of Philip of Macedon? Thanks guys, really need you're help!
Does anyone know the quote by Arrian, in the HSC 2012 Ancient history, Q 40 part a, for this option J, as it is 'awaiting copyright"


Jun 3, 2014
South of here
Uni Grad
Re: sparta questions from past papers

Does anyone have any questions or know where to get notes for option J, 4th Century Greece to the death of Philip of Macedon? Thanks guys, really need you're help!
Does anyone know the quote by Arrian, in the HSC 2012 Ancient history, Q 40 part a, for this option J, as it is 'awaiting copyright"
You did read the original post, not to request for notes?


New Member
Oct 1, 2011
Re: sparta questions from past papers

really sorry, haven't posted before and didn't realise, finally found ancient history greece part, very old postings and I also can't work out how to post, the FAQ re posting talks about formatting etc, not how to post, also can't find the past paper question's quote anywhere. Can anyone help me?


Jun 3, 2014
South of here
Uni Grad
Re: sparta questions from past papers

really sorry, haven't posted before and didn't realise, finally found ancient history greece part, very old postings and I also can't work out how to post, the FAQ re posting talks about formatting etc, not how to post, also can't find the past paper question's quote anywhere. Can anyone help me?
this thread, scroll up.


New Member
Oct 1, 2011
Re: sparta questions from past papers

Does anyone know the quote by Arrian, in the HSC 2012 Ancient history, Q 40 part a, for this option J, as it is 'awaiting copyright" , Option J is 4th Century Greece to the death of Philip of Macedon, (ie the 300BC era not 500Bc to 440BC)? Can't seem to find the quote scrolling up... really hard to find anything on this particular period (most people to the 500 - 440 BC option).
Can anyone help? thanks

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