Ah but you see the Gospel according to Jesus, is what is recorded in the Gospel (of which there are 4 accounts by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John)
These people received in its pure form and recorded it down.
2. Why does Jesus say "Spirit of Truth" (in that same passage he says "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, and no-one comes to the Father except through me. it is clearly referring to the Holy Spirit.
3. I also note that Mohammed did not come in the name of Jesus which is what is testified by Jesus about the "Advocate": but there is more...
Sorry dan im limited on available time till exams so ill just give a quick response to a few:
If you have no extra need for another prophet/ figure then why does Jesus himself say :
"I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. He will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you."
In reference to John 14-16, the context of such this response to an Islamic interpretation:
1. First, there is absolutely no ancient textual evidence among all of the over 5,600 Greek manuscripts to place the word periclytos (“praised one”) in place of paraclete (“helper”).
(2. For a Muslim to argue that the correct reading should be periclytos instead of paraclete shows his lack of understanding of the actual Greek text and the reliability of the copying of the New Testament.)
3. In the same passage, Jesus explicitly identified the “Helper” as the Holy Spirit: “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send, will teach you,” (John 14:26). Therefore, with all due respect, the Muslim argument is already defeated.
4. Fourthly, this “Helper” was given to Jesus’ apostles (the “you” in John 14:16) not to Arabs living over 550 years later! It was given to those who “have been with . . . [him] from the beginning” (John 15:27, cf. Acts 1:22, Luke 1:1-2). However, Muhammad was not one of Jesus’ apostles.
5. Fifth, this “Helper” was to abide with them “forever” (John 16), but Muhammad has been dead for over thirteen centuries!
6. Sixth, Jesus told the disciples, “You know Him [the Helper]” (v. 17), but the apostles did not know Muhammad. He was not born until over 500 years later!
7. Seventh, Jesus also told the disciples that the Helper would be “in you” (v. 17). How Muhammad could be “in” the disciples stretches all credibility. This reference of being "in" the disciples clearly is a reference to the Holy Spirit’s role of dwelling inside believers as the context of John (John 14:16-26) and the rest of the New Testament (Ephesians 1:13, 4:30) indicates.
8. Jesus also said that the Helper would be sent “in My [Jesus’] name” (John 14:26). However, no Muslim believes that Muhammad was sent in Jesus’ name.
9. Ninth, the Helper whom Jesus would send would not “speak on His own authority” (John 16:13). However, Muhammad constantly testifies of himself. For example, in Surah 33:40, Muhammad says of himself, “Muhammad is . . . The Apostle of God, And the Seal of the Prophets.”
10. Also the Helper would “glorify” Jesus (John 16:14). How would Muhammad actually be glorifying Jesus if Muhammad is the last (and the sealer) of the prophets? He really would not be “glorifying” an earlier, inferior prophet like Jesus.
11. Eleventh, and finally, Jesus said that the Helper would come in “not many days” (Acts 1:5), but Muhammad did not come for almost 600 years! Since the Helper is the Holy Spirit, He did come merely 40 days later (Acts 1:5, 2:1ff).
Therefore, given the above evidence, the Holy Spirit clearly is the Helper in John 14:16, not Muhammad.
In my opinion the only ones who have twisted the Scriptures are Muslims who hold to a tenuous reading of the Scripture.
Like you, I also don't have much time either. Good luck with your exams.