Urgent help for yr 11! (1 Viewer)


92.25 ATAR! hmu for tutoring :) im cheap
Jun 6, 2017
Help me for yr 11!

Hey, so I'm in the process of choosing my subjects for yr 11, and I have no idea what career I want to pursue in or what Degree I would like to undertake. Therefore, I aim to do a variety of different subjects next year. These include: English Advanced, English Extension, Advanced Math, Biology, Modern History, Society and Culture and Economics. I am part of the debating team, therefore, I enjoy speaking and expressing my opinions, as well as writing and having intense political discussions! Explains why I'm also a complete nerd when it comes to politics and international relations, although there is limited scope or careers in this field. I'm also interested in sciences and economics. I need advice in whether the subjects I'm doing will allow me to get the best possible atar? If so, what advice can you give me on getting the best atar in these subjects? Is it important I choose subjects that are inter-related or within the same area? Do I really need legal studies to undergo a bachelor of criminal law in Uni? Maths is not one of my strengths, so how exactly can I excel in it? What should I do or prepare for in year 10 to give me a head start in these subjects? Sorry for the overload of information and questions, but any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thankyou !!


Premium Member
May 31, 2015
Re: Help me for yr 11!

You don't need any subject to get into any course (Except some courses in usyd like 2u maths) but check university sites to check just in case. Also any subject can get any atar combination but it's important to do subjects you enjoy so you'll study more and understand content better but also pick subjects that are assumed knowledge for a uni course to avoid doing bridging courses.

Subjects don't need to be inter-related.

Maths it's mainly understanding the content then spamming out past papers and checking over your mistakes. Do questions under timed conditions.

Make sure you research what job you want or what subjects you like at least so you can set an atar goal and/or choose your subjects better.


Active Member
Oct 12, 2014
I think your subject choices are fine, just beware the Society and Culture has a PIP (personal interest project) in year 12- but yeah choose what you like, making sure to do prerequisites listed on Uni subjects for possible courses you'd like to do, and you can get that high atar, if you try hard enough :)


New Member
Apr 3, 2017
Re: Help me for yr 11!

many people say to choose a subject that u like/think u will enjoy, though that does factor in a lot, the harsh reality is that not all subjects will give you the atar or options that u would like after yr 12. u dont need to choose subjects that are inter-related, but i would advise u to go through uni's that u think u might apply to and see wat their prerequisites are, and if u do miss out on a subject then u can do a bridging course (wouldnt recommend it). remember at the end of the day that the atar u get will have a lot to do with which uni u go to. so dont think about what u want to do after graduating, focus on ur studies.
that is probs the best and most realistic advice i can give u. i havent tried to sugarcoat it so whatever u feel about it is totally up to u.


Active Member
Jan 5, 2017
Re: Help me for yr 11!

I need advice in whether the subjects I'm doing will allow me to get the best possible atar?
All I'm going to do is attach a screenshot of Matrix Calculator's breakdown of a 99.95 ATAR with your subjects (according to 2015 data) to answer your question.
Possibility of 99.95 With 3U English, Maths, Bio, Etc..PNG

Maths is not one of my strengths, so how exactly can I excel in it?
Do ALL the relevant past papers from your school (and relevant past questions from other schools, too!) BEFORE your upcoming exams. Oh, and don't forget to TIME them whenever you do them. Whatever you get wrong, study it again, do worksheets and find questions in any books you have besides your school textbook, and you should be good. If you have any spare time, re-attempt any past papers from your school that you did badly in (save this for a day or two before an exam- you have better things to do meanwhile). Record any questions you find difficult with a detailed solution that YOU CAN UNDERSTAND in a book that you should keep safe at all times. Re-attempt these questions a night or two before an exam WITHOUT looking at the solution. If you don't remember how to do them, look at the solution, immediately re-attempt the question without looking, and re-attempt at a later date. (I got this tip from a girl who state-ranked in Adv. Maths.) Ask your teacher/peers/BoS any questions you have doubts about, no matter how silly. These tips help me, so they should help you too. :)

What should I do or prepare for in year 10 to give me a head start in these subjects?
The only subjects we have in common are Maths, both Englishes and bio, so I'll talk about stuff to do with them.
Frankly, I didn't think about Yr 11/12 in Yr 10, but if I could go back in time, I would think about the ideal way to take notes and keep up (especially with bio), as it is of UTMOST IMPORTANCE, in order to maximise your potential, to keep up with your school work, and preferably, get ahead. You say you enjoy English-y things, so use this to an advantage and practise writing relevant stuff any spare moment you have. If you're super keen, I guess you could even start thinking about 2 creatives that you'll need for Yr 11/12? For Maths, start getting into the habit of doing the things that I mentioned in my answer to your previous question. ^^

Is it important I choose subjects that are inter-related or within the same area?
No! In fact, DON'T fill all your subject choices with high interrelated courses. Take it from me- I do all three sciences, and I find it incredibly difficult to motivate myself to do...well, any of them, at times. You have a good mix of subjects in my opinion, so try not to make any major changes to it.

Do I really need legal studies to undergo a bachelor of criminal law in Uni?
Depends which uni you're talking about, I guess, but I'm pretty sure most courses won't require you to do it.

Hope all of this helps! And good luck. :)

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