They made a mistake, passed with 98.
Funny story.Think this is the last semester you can do it, but basically I had a 90% weighted final. Wei Gao (the course coordinator for CVEN1300) had this policy were if you didnt attend the 2 quizzes (20% each) and didnt do the assignment (10%) it'll be added on to the 50% final, hence making mine worth 90%. No medical certifcate/reason was needed, just any non-attendance and the weight would be automatically shifted to the finals. Me being a bludger throughout the semester and always behind, decided to skip all the quizzes and didnt even bother with the easy 10% assignment. Exam day comes, and Wei Gao gave a really nice and easy exam and had similar qs to past papers (Also keep in mind, that the dude is really nice and made it unlimited open book (which i abused the living hell by printing out all the solutions to past papers,tuts,etc)). So ye I did pretty good due to Wei Gaos kindness