yr 11&12 subject selection !HELP! (1 Viewer)


New Member
Jun 25, 2019
I'm considering to do:

3U maths
2U engineering
2U Economics
2U Geography
3U English


3U maths
2U engineering
2U Economics
2U English
2U Legal studies
2U physics/biology

(might switch some around)

Currently, I am doing an accelerated course for Information Processing and Technology which is 2U. The 3U maths is probably the only one im dead set on. Im also currently doing well in history but i just dont know if i have the ability to write good essays a lot. I also kinda hate writing essays :)

Is geography content heavy?
What should I be expecting if I do Legal studies?
Are the concepts in economics difficult?
Is 2U English worth it?
Is the engineering course similar to physics?

please comment on any experiences that you have had for each subject that you have taken even though that they may not be on my list, as i could consider more options :)

Thanks so much - from a struggling yr 10 child
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Active Member
Nov 13, 2017
I currently do Legal and I can say that the Year 11 content is a little boring, but if you decide to keep it, the content gets way more interesting - you get to do Crime, Human Rights and your cohort (at your school) gets to pick two options from stuff like Family Law, Consumer Law, World Order etc. However, there is a lot of essay writing but in time you will eventually get a lot better - you're allowed to make mistakes in Year 11!

With Economics, you need to stay up to date with the theory you learn in class, revise regularly, because if you don't - it becomes a major hassle to catch up on (speaking from experience). Again, there are a lot of essays, but it should be noted that in Business, Legal and Economics the essays are a little different to how you do them in English.

Regrettably, English is compulsory so you can't drop it - no matter how much you love/hate it. For 3U English, try it for a little bit and if you don't like it you can always drop.

I have friends who do both Engineering and Physics, and from what I have heard they compliment each other well. Also they say that Engineering and Physics are basically more math subjects (and I mean why wouldn't you want more math? It's the best.)


New Member
Jun 25, 2019
ooo thank you so much!!!! i found your response really helpful


Oct 19, 2015
When I did my HSC two years ago, I did 3U maths, Legal Studies, Adv English and Biology (in relation to your list) (so I can expand more about them)

Although you know for sciences, English and maths the syllabus have changed, I’ll try to make a generic note.

For 3U Maths, the generic comment is to make sure you give a lot of time especially for the Extension chapters, as the teachers assume that you will do great in the advanced section. But keep in mind not to devote too much time for the Extension part, because some students forget to concentrate on the advanced sections and loose easy marks there.

For Legal Studies, the syllabus did not change. The preliminary is generic, but try to figure out the essay structure and how you will take notes, because there is a lot of readings. And for HSC, @Heresy said there are two main topics and two other topics your school chooses. So the earlier you start your notes and getting your cases for the topic, it will much easier to study for exams.

For Adv English, we had short answer, story writing and aos essay in paper 1 and three module essays in paper 2. But the syllabus has changed for you. The generic comment would be to start writing your creative and keep editing that with your tutor and teacher. And with essays, write as many essays as you can because then if will be easy for you to write it in the essay. Try figuring out a specific format your teachers want and go accordingly.

For Biology, the generic comment is to stay ahead of your notes, and make sure you understand the content rather that just route memorising, because some topics interlink (that’s what happened with our syllabus).

Hope that was helpful!!!!


New Member
Jun 25, 2019
When I did my HSC two years ago, I did 3U maths, Legal Studies, Adv English and Biology (in relation to your list) (so I can expand more about them)

Although you know for sciences, English and maths the syllabus have changed, I’ll try to make a generic note.

For 3U Maths, the generic comment is to make sure you give a lot of time especially for the Extension chapters, as the teachers assume that you will do great in the advanced section. But keep in mind not to devote too much time for the Extension part, because some students forget to concentrate on the advanced sections and loose easy marks there.

For Legal Studies, the syllabus did not change. The preliminary is generic, but try to figure out the essay structure and how you will take notes, because there is a lot of readings. And for HSC, @Heresy said there are two main topics and two other topics your school chooses. So the earlier you start your notes and getting your cases for the topic, it will much easier to study for exams.

For Adv English, we had short answer, story writing and aos essay in paper 1 and three module essays in paper 2. But the syllabus has changed for you. The generic comment would be to start writing your creative and keep editing that with your tutor and teacher. And with essays, write as many essays as you can because then if will be easy for you to write it in the essay. Try figuring out a specific format your teachers want and go accordingly.

For Biology, the generic comment is to stay ahead of your notes, and make sure you understand the content rather that just route memorising, because some topics interlink (that’s what happened with our syllabus).

Hope that was helpful!!!!
Definitely! thank you so much!!
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