What did everyone do for the 3 marker on an example of a mechanism of xerophytic adaptation? I wrote about CAM metabolism because it was the only one I could think of that is actually a mechanism rather than a structural adaptation. But I’m starting to think that the question wanted you to describe the mechanism of an adaptation rather than an adaptation which is a mechanism.
you mean that plant adaptation one? sorry I don't remember much from the exam
I spoke about banksias (Australian example) and how they have woody fruits, so that when they fall naturally or during bushfires, a good deal of water isn't lost. obviously there's more to it than that
also I think you're like overthinking the adaptation/mechanism thing.
"In evolutionary theory, adaptation is the biological mechanism by which organisms adjust to new environments or to changes in their current environment." adaptation and mechanism are synonymous so it doesn't matter if you spoke about something structural or physiological.
if you simply stated any adaptation of a named plant and described it, you'll get 3 marks : ) you should be fine