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i can’t study (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2021
tbh i haven’t even began studying yet. everytime i start studying(which has been a total of 3 times) i fall off and don’t study for days after. the problem is i think lockdown made me become apathetic about everything at this point i can’t bring myself to care about what atar i get. especially after i got early entry, it’s just complete apathy but then i feel bad because my friends still care- i just don’t know how they do it. i feel like there’s not even the slightest bit of passion or energy left in me anymore, and it was that drive which kept me going. so is there a way to get motivated to study if ur completely apathetic at this point or am i screwed?


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
tbh i haven’t even began studying yet. everytime i start studying(which has been a total of 3 times) i fall off and don’t study for days after. the problem is i think lockdown made me become apathetic about everything at this point i can’t bring myself to care about what atar i get. especially after i got early entry, it’s just complete apathy but then i feel bad because my friends still care- i just don’t know how they do it. i feel like there’s not even the slightest bit of passion or energy left in me anymore, and it was that drive which kept me going. so is there a way to get motivated to study if ur completely apathetic at this point or am i screwed?
I'm kinda in the same boat. I feel like I'm in prison everytime i try to study now

at this point tho, we are so unbelievably close to finishing so the only thing we can do is hustle innit

lets be honest, pretty much everyone is mentally finished unless youre a psychopath but we will get through this


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2021
I haven’t even touched my notes or books for literally 3 months now. Last week I realised how fucked up i was and so I gave myself no choice but to study.
But to be honest I haven’t gotten an offer into the course I want. I didn’t do very well in year 11, but my marks significantly improved in year 12. However, unfortunately many unis aren’t taking year 12 marks into consideration when it comes to early entry offers.

Just keep this in mind, you’ve already got offers, you’re guaranteed a spot into university. You’re not doing this for university anymore, you’re not studying to impress your parents or teachers or anybody. You’ve gotten what they wanted, you’ve gotten into university. Now, you’re going to study for YOU. You want a good atar right? Of course you do, who doesn’t?so study for YOU, no one else because they already gotten what they wanted from you, however you havent gotten what you wanted from yourself.

And if it’s really getting to the point where you can’t physically get yourself to study, take @notme123 idea into consideration and just study the subjects you actually enjoy. That’s better than nothing at all.


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2021
It's also definitely really good just to reach out to other people (best would be friends in your year), just to motivate each other past the final hurdle of the HSC. Try thinking it of the last 100m sprint of a marathon, and that for all the long hours and dedication you've put into the entire year, you just want to push one final time.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2019
I feel you! In my situation, my anxiety + COVID + personal tragedy = no motivation to study. But then I think about what my dreams are and just picturing me doing the course I want to makes it all the more easy. However, in your case you have early entry so this may not work.

As someone who falls for neatly organised notes etc., along with Bio and English being my favourite subjects, what I did was start with these two. I made my notes very clearly organised and it motivated me! And when you get to the subjects you despise, do your favourite topics within the subject first and move to the worst. Trust me, it will work if you like organised things!!

I also have a countdown to my own 'freedom day' which is December 1 (day after last HSC exam). I already know I'm doing karaoke, getting my nails done, and having food out with my friends. These motivate me out of hard patches in my HSC journey.

And look at you! You've got early entry offers that you seem to be content with! That's nothing small, and I hope it boosted your confidence. At this point, study because you don't want to regret not getting better external marks by sacrificing all the effort you put in for the past year, but don't study to the point that you're compromising your mental health/sanity (as I am now :p)

Good luck!!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2020
think about the fact that we've made it this far- about a year or so, and have persevered through online learning in both year 11 + 12
would it be worth it to give up now after all the effort you've put in? this is literally the endgame moment- just a few weeks to go. Doing something, like simply going over notes for a subject you like, is better than doing nothing


Dec 14, 2020
I’ve gotten into a university I want (although not the expected degree), and I believe that’s that from me, I’m a really lazy person so me getting average marks this year and still getting an early entry was my form of trying for the hsc, need to know if this is normal??


Active Member
Sep 4, 2014
I did my HSC back in 2015 and the feeling of not wanting to study is definitely something I experienced even during a pre-COVID world. It felt like the moment I touched or even thought about studying my anxiety would take over and I would simply not care, nothings going into my brain. The only real advice I can give is to honestly, and I mean honestly, allow yourself time to recuperate and think about what you want to do and why you're doing it. Thats what helped me, plus you're in such a good position with an early entry already! You've all worked very hard to get this point, you did the hard work, pushed through trials and throughout the year. Focus on subjects that you like, dont force yourself to study when you're really apathetic, because reality is, you're not going to learn anything.

I know its so cliché and you've probably heard it a million times, but HSC is most definitely irrelevant after you finish everything. The world outside and everyone you will meet once your highschool life is over couldnt possibly care nor will ask about your HSC. In this COVID world study has become an honest nightmare (even worse as a Masters student :( ) Dont force yourself, don't overexert yourself. And if you really cant study on your own, study with friends or in a group over a zoom call. At this stage of the HSC its all about working together and helping each other out, so reach out! Anyways thats enough ranting.


Active Member
Aug 14, 2019
I’ve gotten into a university I want (although not the expected degree), and I believe that’s that from me, I’m a really lazy person so me getting average marks this year and still getting an early entry was my form of trying for the hsc, need to know if this is normal??
Yeah I definitely feel the same way. Since the beginning of last term I've sort of been studying on and off but when I received an early entry offer (although my second preference) I just stopped completely and started doing uni stuff which held my attention waaay more.

It's not really procrastination that keeps from studying, more like a huge emotional block of anxiety + boredom that I just can't cross when I try to sit down and study. Although even if you feel the same way, I recommend atleast the night before HSC just briefly go over your quotes for English, so you have a decent shot on the exam. Also, if you need maths for uni, I'm personally learning it from the start of yr11 level through Khan Academy -- that way it doesn't feel like studying but more like just something you want to learn/do (and you will feel this way after the HSC/school is over).


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2020
Yeah I definitely feel the same way. Since the beginning of last term I've sort of been studying on and off but when I received an early entry offer (although my second preference) I just stopped completely and started doing uni stuff which held my attention waaay more.

It's not really procrastination that keeps from studying, more like a huge emotional block of anxiety + boredom that I just can't cross when I try to sit down and study. Although even if you feel the same way, I recommend atleast the night before HSC just briefly go over your quotes for English, so you have a decent shot on the exam. Also, if you need maths for uni, I'm personally learning it from the start of yr11 level through Khan Academy -- that way it doesn't feel like studying but more like just something you want to learn/do (and you will feel this way after the HSC/school is over).
lol why you relearning math? Did you not choose it?


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2021
Yeah I definitely feel the same way. Since the beginning of last term I've sort of been studying on and off but when I received an early entry offer (although my second preference) I just stopped completely and started doing uni stuff which held my attention waaay more.

It's not really procrastination that keeps from studying, more like a huge emotional block of anxiety + boredom that I just can't cross when I try to sit down and study. Although even if you feel the same way, I recommend atleast the night before HSC just briefly go over your quotes for English, so you have a decent shot on the exam. Also, if you need maths for uni, I'm personally learning it from the start of yr11 level through Khan Academy -- that way it doesn't feel like studying but more like just something you want to learn/do (and you will feel this way after the HSC/school is over).
Yess we love khan academy


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2021
yes i have that block of anxiety and boredom too. i’m gonna try at least watch edrolo videos and maybe read over notes, basically really low effort stuff since it’s better than nothing. also i still kinda wanna get into one of the unis in the city (i got into UOW) but is it worth it pushing myself if my mental health is already somewhat fragile? does it really matter if i go to a “prestigious” uni or not at this point, that’s what i’m having trouble deciding. UTS rejected my early entry so if they don’t accept me based off my yr 11 results (which were quite good actually) there’s no way they’ll accept my yr 12 results at this point


Active Member
Aug 14, 2019
yes i have that block of anxiety and boredom too. i’m gonna try at least watch edrolo videos and maybe read over notes, basically really low effort stuff since it’s better than nothing. also i still kinda wanna get into one of the unis in the city (i got into UOW) but is it worth it pushing myself if my mental health is already somewhat fragile? does it really matter if i go to a “prestigious” uni or not at this point, that’s what i’m having trouble deciding. UTS rejected my early entry so if they don’t accept me based off my yr 11 results (which were quite good actually) there’s no way they’ll accept my yr 12 results at this point
Yeah I had the same question about uni's and have basically searched through every BOS, Reddit, Quora, Whirlpool post and besides super competitive fields like medicine/law, your university rep doesn't matter too much. Australian uni's are generally considered comparable, where your individual CV matters a lot more including internships/side projects depending on your field.

There is also something to be said about being a big fish in a small pond. If you go to a prestigious uni there will be a lot more smart people, meaning that if you don't go to one of them, you have a much higher chance of getting a better WAM/awards/scholarships from the uni, especially if you are really passionate about your course and want to do well.

So I would say don't overwork yourself too much. Going to a prestigious uni has it's opportunities, but so does going to one not considered 'prestigious', especially in regard to competition and study/life balance, which are often overlooked. Just like no one asks you about a selective high school test once you're in high school, no one will about your ATAR once in uni and the same for your degree after you've amassed some decent amount of industry experience.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2019
Yeah I had the same question about uni's and have basically searched through every BOS, Reddit, Quora, Whirlpool post and besides super competitive fields like medicine/law, your university rep doesn't matter too much. Australian uni's are generally considered comparable, where your individual CV matters a lot more including internships/side projects depending on your field.

There is also something to be said about being a big fish in a small pond. If you go to a prestigious uni there will be a lot more smart people, meaning that if you don't go to one of them, you have a much higher chance of getting a better WAM/awards/scholarships from the uni, especially if you are really passionate about your course and want to do well.

So I would say don't overwork yourself too much. Going to a prestigious uni has it's opportunities, but so does going to one not considered 'prestigious', especially in regard to competition and study/life balance, which are often overlooked. Just like no one asks you about a selective high school test once you're in high school, no one will about your ATAR once in uni and the same for your degree after you've amassed some decent amount of industry experience.
Would you consider UOW a good uni in terms of social life, opportunities, etc.?

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