Bored Uni Student
They're just insecure about themselves and they think they'll "fit in" by being the loudest one in the room. Its pretty annoying see them disturb year 12s studying for their HSC, and what's more funny is that they gossip abt so much when they're like 10 so loudly. but they're only 10-13 year old's so its whatever, I just remember that my cohort wasn't as obnoxious back then, given there was the 1 or 2 outliers but on average we were respectful and polite to the seniors. The year 9s and 10s are just extensions of them, they're either really annoying or really nice.There’s always a mixed batch...the ones who are mature and you can actually have a decent conversation with....and the ones who chase each other around the quad spraying water on each other and turning the school into a jungle
Some of them are pretty chill and its nice to have chats with them, so I avoid to ignore all of them but its def annoying trying to study for an exam next period and you hear kids screaming and being idiots. I'm fine with them doing that outside and away from seniors.