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English Studies Paper 1 Section I
Question 1
In better responses students were able to:
provide an effective explanation of how visual techniques have been used to represent an idea such as unity or connection through the variety of food types and colours
select appropriate references from the text to support their ideas.
Areas for students to improve include:
ensuring they explain, rather than describe, details of the text
making explicit references to visual features and how they demonstrate specific human experiences.
Question 2
In better responses students were able to:
clearly explain how the reader is drawn into the experience by the introduction
make a connection between sharing food and its ability to be ‘nourishing and nurturing’
provide relevant references from the text.
Areas for students to improve include:
ensuring they explain clearly how the reader is drawn in through the use of specific language forms and features
selecting appropriate references from the text which include the reader in the experience.
Question 3
In better responses students were able to:
provide an effective explanation showing how exploring place can be mysterious and uncertain
select appropriate references from the text to support their explanation.
Areas for students to improve include:
avoiding merely describing the image provided with the poem
explaining how the forms and features of the poem demonstrate human experiences such as discovery and reflection.
English Studies Paper 1 Section II
General Feedback
Students should:
respond explicitly to the question, ensuring that all elements are addressed in a balanced and consistent manner
develop a deep understanding of their prescribed text
demonstrate understanding of the prescribed text through evidence and examples from across the text, judiciously selected to support their argument
organise and structure a cohesive argument
compose a sustained, cohesive and structured response with controlled expression, purposeful and evaluative language and an authentic voice.
In better responses, students were able to:
purposefully address the key terms of the question in a consistent and balanced way
build a convincing thesis that evaluated how stories effectively reveal the shared and personal nature of experiences
consider how the textual form, features and language of the prescribed text are used to tell stories and reveal meaning
explain how the audience is positioned by the text’s construction, with particular consideration of form and genre.
Areas for students to improve include:
ensuring they respond to the full scope of the question
developing a line of argument that deliberately addresses the specific elements of the question without relying on generic statements from the module description
evaluating the author’s intent and the effect of their compositional choices on the audience
analysing, rather than describing, how the text has been composed
using the metalanguage of form.
Section III
Question 7
Students should:
address all parts of the question
demonstrate understanding of a significant issue through explicit discussion of a module and text studied
write a structured response, appropriate to audience and purpose.
In better responses, students were able to:
explicitly and clearly discuss the issue studied and the extent to which this study allowed for a rethinking of the issue
establish a clear line of argument which was maintained throughout the response
provide explicit and varied examples of textual evidence to support their argument.
Areas for students to improve include:
providing responses that offer a more detailed discussion of the question
writing with increased specificity, rather than making vague or general statements
taking care with control of language.
Section IV
Question 8
Students should:
engage with the stimulus provided
show an awareness of form – imaginative, reflective or persuasive.
In better responses, students were able to:
effectively engage with the stimulus in a way that went beyond interpretation
successfully use the elements of the chosen form
use language in a well-developed and coherent way.
Areas for students to improve include:
engaging with the specific terms of the question
developing meaningful engagement with the conventions of the chosen form
composing a controlled and complete response.