If you want a proper system, then incentivise the best students to go into teaching. (and politics actually). There no point having deadweights with minimum atar requirements of like 50 to get in to positions which innately have a HUGE impact on shaping the next generation. This is also, not to mention the fact that someone who is indeed extremely capable and hard working, being rewarded the same as those who put absolute piss all effort into their teaching.
Seeing all the extremely high calibre students gun it out for medicine, law eng and the like is good, sure, but there is honestly way too many of them wanting to do that and it simply boils down to job security, pay, (and to a lesser extent passion, yes as much as everyone says, a lot of people dont follow 'their passion and dreams'. Most family friends i have dont enjoy the work they do, they just do it to put food on the table and get to go on holidays once in a while, maybe i just have miserable family friends lol). So if you can make teaching as lucrative to attract higher level students, then im sure standards will very much improve, alongside less unhappy teachers. win win if you ask me