Planning for prelims (1 Viewer)


New Member
Aug 21, 2022
Greetings to all, I am currently a year 10 student and I am commencing preliminary studies in 2023. My subjects correspond the following
- Advanced mathematics
- Advanced English
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Investigating science
- Modern history

I come from a state school in south west Sydney and I want to maximise my marks to the best of my ability.

In terms of studying, I am considering utilising more ‘active‘ study techniques such as past papers, active recall, inquiry based learning (asking the how/why in context to a specific concept), relating concepts to other concepts, flash cards, etc.

Is there any study tips and advice in order to score high marks for prelim exams and exams/tests in year 11?


New Member
May 7, 2022
For maths I’d recommend making a list of every single mistake you make, this will help fix the mistakes because it forces you to think about what you did wrong, whether it be an incorrect approach or a careless error

Average Boreduser

Rising Renewal
Jun 28, 2022
souli said:
I'm going into year 11 and my subjects are as follow;
Advanced Mathematics, Advanced English, Extension English, Economics, Modern History, Modern Greek (accelerated).

Any tips will be appreciated, no matter how big or small. Thank you so much!
Employ a study schedule and organise your resources


Le Phénix Trilingue
Aug 22, 2019
Krak des Chevaliers
Uni Grad
souli said:
I'm going into year 11 and my subjects are as follow;
Advanced Mathematics, Advanced English, Extension English, Economics, Modern History, Modern Greek (accelerated).

Any tips will be appreciated, no matter how big or small. Thank you so much!
Favourable performance in Mathematics Advanced requires a thorough understanding of the concepts taught within each topic. Once you gain a good understanding of a particular topic, it is a good idea to test whether you can apply your understanding to questions that assess its content. Such practice questions can be both textbook questions and past exam paper questions. Completing a combination of both typically provides a wide range of questions for you to attempt and would therefore allow you to test your understanding with varying types of questions. Any errors that you may make at any stage may indicate potential areas of improvement, which you would need to address going forward. It is therefore important to seek clarification with any concept that you may not fully understand or may not be fully confident with as soon as possible.

If known, it would be a good idea to have a look at the texts that you will study for each English Advanced module throughout year 11. This would familiarise you with each text and potentially make it easier for you to understand and analyse them. You should also revisit techniques that you may have previously learned and ensure that you become confident with techniques that you learn in year 11 as this will assist you in developing high-quality responses (whether for short-answer questions or questions requiring long answers, primarily essays). In improving the quality of your writing, you should also regularly seek feedback on your written pieces from your teacher and implement any suggestions that they may give.

The good thing about year 11 is that none of your results count towards your HSC results or ATAR. Because of this, it is important that you do not put yourself under any pressure and instead treat year 11 as an opportunity for you to revamp your study strategy and technique.

I hope this helps! 😄


Active Member
Oct 23, 2022
souli said:
I'm going into year 11 and my subjects are as follow;
Advanced Mathematics, Advanced English, Extension English, Economics, Modern History, Modern Greek (accelerated).

Any tips will be appreciated, no matter how big or small. Thank you so much!
I'd recommend taking breaks every so often during study to avoid burnout. Also seek your teachers at school for feedback.


Jun 6, 2020
souli said:
I'm going into year 11 and my subjects are as follow;
Advanced Mathematics, Advanced English, Extension English, Economics, Modern History, Modern Greek (accelerated).

Any tips will be appreciated, no matter how big or small. Thank you so much!
Hey, I go to a top 3 selective school. Here is my advice:

1. Pace. You may feel tempted to "run before you walk" at the start of Year 11. The workload, the expectation, the internal pressure, and what not all increases which means that just by working harder, you won't succeed. Especially if you go to an academically selective high school, you need to expect that you will encounter some set backs and deficits and then employ marginal gains to increase in outcomes.
2. Process >>> Outcome. Don't focus on the outcome because you will never be enough for your standards, especially if you are a high achiever. We all are susceptible to pride and that will be your biggest enemy if you dont prioritise the process. The process is your system. How are you going to integrate exercise, study, extracurriculars, relationships, etc? This will undoubtedly give you the security to keep on persevering even when you don't feel you can as the system will be stronger than your discipline to keep it. This assumes you have consistently and realistically designed it.
2.a Process >>> Outcome subpoint. Despite studying for hours and hours you cannot control your exam mark/outcome. You can control your system however. Maybe you didn't know a concept well enough in an exam? maybe the english marker had your paper after marking 50 others before it? None of that is realistically in your control. If you don't absorb this mindset early on, your confidence will drown and you wont achieve anything at all. Confidence is everything. People know they are smart because they are reminded of it by their peers especially in a high school level because everyone is extremely malleable and socially connected.
3. Your teachers. If you have a "bad" teacher, you need to consider either getting a tutor, or trying to mend the relationship. Your teachers are important. Especially english. If they don't know you, they will have no reason to keep you accountable. Accountability is extremely important. I sent my teachers questions on a pdf every week. I made a tracker. They were harsh but come exam time they were confident that there was a noticeable refining of my skills.
4. Tutoring. Non-essential. If you can make a good system, you won't need to get tutoring. Use as many resources as you have available to you. Don't feel the peer pressure to get tutoring and waste money. These companies are not going to give you something original (apart from a few). Heaps of private tutors understand the nuances of success - go to them (generally).
5. Even though Year 11 "doesn't count", it will if you don't let go of the common "perfectionist" mindset that many high achievers have. You will have many exam blocks -- you wont do well in some exams. You can have 2 or 3 exams in a day during that period. If you mess up one exam, a perfectionist will find it hard to let it go and they will consequently hinder their ability in the remaining exams. Not worth it. Be honest early if you feel you have mindsets such as this and really challenge it as it will plague your performance in year 12, and thereafter in university.

Don't stress. You need to believe that you have got this, or you won't.

Hope this helps man


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2021
We all are susceptible to pride and that will be your biggest enemy if you dont prioritise the process.
save that for after ATAR release
Tutoring. Non-essential.
100% true (unless you are aiming for 99.95 and need help with English). I never had tutoring.
you wont do well in some exams.
You will have exams where you think you haven’t done well even if for an average student you have done amazing.

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