is there a list of all the changes cuz it seems like only a handful for adv-4u? ill start:
- more detail on the extent of understanding expected of continuity and limits. not necessarily new content.
- 'Graphical transformations' e.g. dilations now moved from Year 12 to Year 11
- Differentiation of trigonometric functions and logarithms now moved from Year 12 to Year 11
- 'Discrete probability distributions' moves from Year 11 to Year 12 in one big topic along with continuous distributions called 'Random Variables'
- Use of cardinality notation for sets e.g. |A|
- Sequences and Series is no longer under 'Financial Mathematics' but is now called 'Recurrence, sequences and series'.
- On top of this, more recurrence relation notation is used. Sigma notation defined.
- more detailed section about the fundamental theorem of calculus and use of reimann sums.
- 'Descriptive Statistics and Bivariate Data Analysis' topic entirely removed.
Extension 1:
- 'further trig identities' moves to Year 12 in same topic area as year 12 trig equations
- pigeonhole principle is missing
- 3d vectors introduced but only in the same scope of depth as 2d vectors e.g. no parametric vector equations
- t-formulae moved to Extension 2
- products to sums moved to Extension 2
- Integration of sin^2 and cos^2 moved to Extension 2
- central limit theorem now explictly stated instead of just a normal approximation
Extension 2:
- explicit mention of squeeze theorem in proofs
- explicit mention of Cauchy-schwarz inequality, median, and altitude of triangles in vectors.
- specifically said they cant combine pulleys and resisted motion??