If 6 units of credit (UoC) are 1118 dollars, then would a degree with 240 UoC be 44 720 dollars including student services and amenities?
Sounds possible.
Each Uni has its own system.
USyd, for example, has a BSc(Hons) over 4 years with 192 credit points to graduate (48 credit points per year). Not sure if this still applies, but first year subjects were 6 points per semester, so 4 subjects for a full-time load each semester. Second year subjects were 8 credit points per semester, so 3 subjects over the year. Third year was 12 credit points per semester, and you did two subjects. So, a degree in physics might be:
First Year - Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Some other subject (might not even be in Science)
Second Year - Applied Maths, Pure Maths, Physics
Third Year - Physics and Maths (for a degree with two majors) or all Physics (for a double major in Physics)
Fourth Year - Honours in Physics
Each credit point was roughly equivalent to one hour of face-to-face teaching (lectures, tutorials, prac, etc), and 1-2 hours of individual study per credit point per week was expected (supposedly). Honours, which was 24 credit points per semester, was full time. A pass degree takes three years and only needs 144 credit points and you don't have the Honours year at the end.
The USyd BSc course currently has a
contribution of $10,000 per annum, whereas combined Science / Law is
$12,720 for the first year.