what did people write about for the russia power struggle question and the indochina one on antiwar movements
for russia i wrote that competing visions for the party and the ussr were responsible for the power struggle that emerged:
- how differing visions for party (including bureaucratism and party membership) led to a struggle for leadership
- how differing visions for the political policies of the ussr (including interpretations of marxism-leninism, permanent revolution vs socialism in one country) led to a struggle for power
- how differing economic visions (predominantly continuation of the nep vs rapid industrialisation) led to the power struggle
- how differing visions for soviet society (dekulakisation and such) led to the power struggle
IDK i know it’s a simple argument but i think it really answers the question so i’m happy w it
i did the other indochina question but when i was considering answering the anti-war q the only things i could come up with were the social/human, economic/financial strain the war were taking on american population