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  • haha yes i have facebook.
    wow, so you can sing as well, thats pretty awesome. i sing secretly when no ones around, hehe, stuff you sight singing why does it have to be so serious, its nerve racking...
    our performance is in about 2 weeks time, we just need to do our australian and the dreaded sight singing. :(

    so your actually dropping a subject or considering... haha
    Do you know whether physics scales better than chem? I feel like the scale tables don't make sense.. or i just don't know how to read them lol.

    Wow that's a lot of music! So do you do piano? I did accelerated music in year 10... and unfortunately received a crap teacher so dropped that and decided it wasn't worth my time lol. I'm sure you are really good at it. Are you enjoying it? MX2 is hell man... the only reason i'm doing it is basically cos I won't have to learn it new in like first half of uni and also that godly scaling apparently makes a huge difference to your ATAR according to my 4u teacher xD

    So like... what is your name btw?
    Hmmmm yes true, or maybe I'm just lazy and I get bored and cbf doing the questions...... :)

    At least your teacher DOES teach from the syllabus, mine goes off topic.. makes us look at youtube vids of random fat geeks teaching physics....not to mention it's not even clear what they are doing in lots of the vids cos their camera is poor quality and it's handheld.

    Yes very true about the qualitative.... it's just to help some cheap ppl that they can just wrote learn and still get marks.
    o ok i dont really know much about our mandatory topic yet. :S but today like every fortnight we have a 2hr ext lesson after school and its torture!!

    well i dropped ext 1 only because i just didnt want to do the HY test on it. it was basically everything we've learnt and i cbb to study for it. last term we did circle geometry( which i totally hated), and parametric functions( which i hated more, haha) and something else... and i just hate graphs so yea. haha before i dropped there doing trig functions now, but since im in 2 units we just started on integration- haha its so good now i just need to revise. if i continued with 3 unit and dropped after the trig that would mean i would have finished the 2 unit course. o well. for the last assessment task i got 68% haha failure.

    you going to go ahead with music in the future and do it for uni?

    you serious, you doing 13 units!! well good luck with your study, im sure your super smart since your doing 4 units maths!! hehe
    Haha yeah definitely! I think I like the learning part in class for maths.. then when I have to do countless questions, it becomes dry haha.

    do you have a bad physics teacher or something? I think the syllabus is pretty bad for physics. They should probably change it so we know what physics in uni may be like instead of all the qualitative stuff they chuck in there.

    Dude, 13 units? That's overkill! You should drop something asap lol. I can't believe you're still alive with that x.x I'm doing 12, and I think it's on the borderline of too much.
    Yeah I guess, but even with liking the subject, too much of it gets a little dry? I mean, I like maths but i get sick of it after a while lol.

    I'm actually liking physics, I think chemistry is the one I regret doing. It's just way too much content... i tried studying for it for the half-yearly and it was a nightmare... :/

    Haha that's good you have a change in attitude at the right time, unlike me. I hope you achieve your goals too, and with the sound of it, I'm sure you will.
    what!! you only practice like 15 mins a day, thats insane yet you still get really good marks (jealous!!) i play for about an hr a day, and thats only 7th grade, haha my pieces would prob be easy for you.
    dw im pretty sure you'll do really well in your Amus, you doing it in nov?
    doing 10 units now..:( just dropped maths ext the other day to focus on just 2 unit maths, lol so easy and so much better!!
    i cant believe your doing 12 units, tell your mum that your just doing extra work when you can focus on the ones that count. haha but like shes going to listen to me... :)
    we just started on our mandatory topic for music- you doing kakadu- peter sculthorpe?
    soz last message was too long..
    anywayz continued.........
    yea i considered performance for ext since i play the violin and could do a piece for the ensemble, idk why but im doing musicology. hoping my teacher would help me...

    you do know that you can have 2 pieces for the additional topic and just have one core- well thats what im doing. :)

    and wow amus- you must be pretty good. expecting high results from you haha
    yea im doing 7th grade but im not doing my exam until after the hsc. :( was going to originally have it b4 except by school teacher wanted to have everyone do the same additional topic. i didn't know this so i chose classical as my topic and i would do them for my exam as well. but then when i found this out i changed to suit him. so annoyed, new pieces to play, yay!! (sarcasm) but then this year he changed topic again wtf, since i already had my pieces for classical which i couldn't do and then the new topic 1900-1945 i burst into tears in front of the teacher haha (dw im never that emotional).
    so due to my acting skills which my music teacher told me to have a cry out, i think i can stick to the 1900s topic.

    so that sums up my performance changes for you.
    i aim high, like i am actually trying to get DUX at the moment but I don't go to a selective or anything. However my expectations are slipping these days. I think it's the loss of motivation / determination. I don't know how to make myself do things anymore.. it seems like in junior school I tried so hard.. and I can't seem to find that same willpower I had before D:
    What's your motivation? :eek:
    haha yes im doing music 2 and extension, we only have like 4 ppl in our class doing this but its joined with music 1 which is so annoying
    anyways i play the piano and for the australian piece- eric gross
    my additional topic is 1900-1945 and still unsure about my pieces but think they will be miriam hyde and quilter. from 7th grade book.
    for extension im doing musicology which im still thinking about a thesis for, though everyone else is doing performance.

    To what extent can the actions of Nicholas II and his wife be held responsible for the causes of the February Revolution in Russia?
    good to hear that you are not under much stress. They used to pressure us back in years 7-10 also so that was prettu good. My gosh, uni is hell atm. The workload is really starting to get to me. there is more work and time required for uni in the first week than there was for the hsc during examination week!!...but i reallllllly love my course, its really interesting and interactive..the reading and the hw is a bit too much though, but overall i cant really complain i guess...my friends at sydney uni doing a computing/programming course get less homework than i do lol.
    i used to procrastinate at the beginning as well. once exams start to slowly apprach, you'll kick back into full gear trust me. Omg I made 5 friends today and I remember all of their names YAY! very nice people i must say, a good change from the crap that ive been seeing around campus :D
    people say the work is really hard, but its not that hard if you have the right foundation and habits which you have to establish right from the beginning of high school. tell me how your workload is going. many assessments yet?
    :D man people on those threads really chew your head off sometimes eh??
    yeah uni is going ok. Few nice people and many people that you really just wouldnt want to know. other than that, the teachers are good and the course guide is not extremely difficult. though the hours are long and tedious, its kinda cool.
    everyone looks heaps older than me here though, i feel so out of place because of young appearance lol.
    enough about me, how is year 12 going for you? assessments and workload under control??
    tc, peace out
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