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  • Ah I see, at this point in time, I know more Korean than I do compared to Chinese. I've forgotten a lot of chinese. I'm just scared that beginners will be too easy (however I think I won't be alone because there will be many background speakers in beginners I think)
    I am actually chinese, but I remember very little of the language. However, I am cantonese so I can read quite a few characters (for instance, when I am at Cabramatta and Chinatown, I can read more than half of the characters). However, I don't remember how to construct sentences, I can barely speak. I can listen more than I can speak. My mando is very patchy since I haven't done it in a while. I noticed that you chose Intermediate - I don't know whether Intermediate may be too hard and I'm afraid, Beginners is too easy. What are your thoughts?
    hey yeah I am. I'm taking 24U of Chinese as part of my International Studies course. It requires a compulsory language to be taken and another 54U of another language (I'm doing Korean). I haven't language in like 5 years, so I don't remember anything, so I don't know which level to take. How about you?
    Yeah fuck. Hopefully you aren't one of them. Either way even if you do drop there'll be some related units in your new course.

    Shit that's expensive. Just go to a local gym or something
    hey man whats roughly the starting salary for actuarial graduates? I heard you have to complete Part III exams once you graduate uni to be considered an 'actuary' is this true?
    Ahk fair enough. I'm actually thinking of majoring in actuarial myself. Though the dropout rates are quite daunting :/

    Far out it's like you can never get any time just relax anymore haha!! Oh well, i'm still looking forward to uni :)
    Haha yeah. Also way better social environment/freedom (my bro doesn't even go to some of his lectures haha).
    Though as long as you pass it's alright? (unless you're on scholarship ofc)

    Yeah fuck i hate inconsistency (especially with english!!! Fuuaaarrkkk!!!)

    Wow nice.
    If only it was that easy :( Also dw about your atar lol, i doubt anyone will give a crap in a couple of months (even now). Got your whole life ahead of you :)

    Why not?

    Ahk wow, sounds interesting. Lucky you've got it planned already. I was about to go to the open day but i cbf :p
    Haha it's involved heaps of procrastination. Though i'm getting there. :)
    Year 12 should be fun.

    You know what you wanna do next year?
    Haha nws mate. Cheers for the add

    Hope you have a good remainder to your holidays! (and gl for uni :))
    Yeah, I think we were ranked 63 or something that year.

    It was pretty hectic.
    These days i'm into Korean actresses :pPP they are more gentle and sweet looking!! Do you watch any K-Dramas atm???
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