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  • Hey enoil does it really matter what elective courses and subjects you choose in your degree? Would it vary your employment prospcts? I'm doing international business but there is so many different subjects o_O??
    I see. This degree is also a major from Commerce, but I'm majoring it via from international studies. I thought I would have some sort of advantage since this language has an overseas program in which you spend 1 year at another university and also I would be speaking another language probably Korean or Chinese.

    But this year my main focus is just adapting to university and seeing how the environment is, I may start internships and the real 'challenge' in 2nd year hopefully.
    Also by majoring in International business (International studies), does this degree have high demand by employers and firms in Australia? I'm a bit worried...
    Thanks for the tip! Accounting is not part of my course by the way. Noo maths in this course woo!! However there is alot of focus on MGMT (Management).

    Thank you, happy Australia day!!
    Ah thank you. I am just worried that by doing a single law or commerce degree I may not find much employment in the future, since i have no extra curriculars or achievements. However, i'm a person who was highly motivated and persistent throughout the hsc so hopefully the workload isn't too bad in uni! I would let you know what offers or preferences i get, atm i think law is not possible in first year. I am probably most looking at a clean economics or commerce degree first up- by doing well as you mentioned hopefully transferring to law. Mq law would probably be the most favourable for me since it was on top of my preference since year 11. I am highly satisfied with my ATAR although it still has restricted me in doing what i primarily wanted :). Meh life is too short to regret! I just hope UNI would be 100x better than high school!
    Ah, thank you! I may do commerce and transfer into comm/law at Macq, I think that would be a good choice for me given the amount of choices for my ATAR. Although i hear doing comm/law is very difficult according to some of my seniors, Basically the workload is double right of a normal bachelor degree?
    Hey Enoil! Do you think there is a possibility based on last year's statistics that I could possibly get into Mq Law with 91?
    So for business and pe, what should I be looking for to not get scaled down?
    heey there, can i just ask if business studies and PE are VERY low scaled? I know bio is decent.
    Hhahahaha thanks alot!! I was going to check today but my mother had forced me because she was getting thousands of phone calls! I am pretty excited hehe for my actual ATAR later today!! I was a bit suprised since eco was my best subject although Ancient was wow... was the biggest shock for me!!!

    Although i couldn't get into my first preference still i am happy to get into my second hehe!
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