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  • Hello enoilgam, I was simply wondering, if you have a moment to spare, could you perhaps glance over an economics case study essay for me please? :)
    That's true. Sorry, my memory is failing me haha

    Good seeing you too! Thought you were just causally jogging around the area
    Indeed I am. Was hoping to have another year until eligibility but it can't be helped.

    Next year is my practice run so I just want to get a good score right off the bat and work on my interpersonal skills. If it doesn't work out, there's always 2015 and if that doesn't work out, Honours year + GAMSAT here I come!
    I've been prepping for GAMSAT :D

    Going to try to beast it and I've learnt to manage time better now so hoping for the best. Assuming I go well in GAMSAT, I'm defs going to apply for USyd and UMelb so that's defs something to work towards :)
    Not too shabby, hehe.

    Perhaps I did shit but I definitely know I've improved quite a bit since last year so I am happy despite the outcome.
    My desire to become a Jedi Knight is not secret :p But if I were to become one, I'd have a green light saber because they're for the Jedi who seeks wisdom and knowledge of the force, whereas the blue possessors are the soldiers of the force.
    I've had a change of heart, I suppose. There are bosers at Usyd? Media and communications?
    I don't know, maybe if I got in... but regardless I've heard usyd runs a really bad course and UTS would be better.
    A more flexible course like arts/science at usyd or international studies/science at UTS are appealing right now as they open up so many avenues for the undecided ones-- me. haha

    Nice! So you just abandoned the law part- have more free time now?
    Oh yea, I longer want to do med :)
    I'm thinking more along the lines of journalism or research in marine biology at the moment.

    YAY! Good work, Enoil! What do you do now? Must feel so good to be set free from something you hate.
    Hey! Sorry for the lag, I've been a bit out of it lately hahah oh how I love you HSC :')

    Hmmm it's not the best... can't wait for it to be over so I have a sense of security about courses and such. And yeah. Are you transferring out of law soon?
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