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  • Thanks for your help Enoil!:D
    I shall try and do well in SOR. mWHAHA inb4: fails.

    Q: How do I become a mod of the Arts section?
    Proving to SpiralFlex is not one of my aims in life.
    If that is to whom you are referring.
    Thanks! I just find it hypocritical when people of no religious affiliation say things about my faith that are very offensive, and take pride/arrogance in their beliefs, when I haven't said anything offensive to them or forced my beliefs to them. Hopefully we can all just treat each other nicely.
    i do mind actually, fuck off (nah)

    science major in earth science (geology/geosciences)
    I need a movie recommendation. I'm feeling something maybe a bit sci-fi (esp dealing with time travel but I've been disappointed with most time travel films I've seen recently), or maybe just a good, solid action film that doesn't require too much brainpower but remains engaging. Thoughts?
    Thankyou very much, Enoilgam :) You are very helpful. I know when things get tough emotionally during this major year you'd be the one to go to for advice :)
    Yes, I know what you mean by the estrangement of friendships resulting but... I'm not friends with these people... Just my friend in EE2, but our competitiveness helps us both to thrive. Like just in the last holidays we made a bet on who would finish all our English texts before then end.

    *Inb4, they never were read. lol.
    I don't want to lose friends over it and I won't :) Although everyone says I'm already becoming robotic. This is what HSC does to people sadly.

    I suppose it's not about dux, it's just the expectation my teachers have and I want to do it for my dad. He is so intelligent, exceeds what I could ever wish for, but didn't have the opportunities or education to reach his potential due to financial circumstance and area he grew up in.
    Everyone has their talents- singing and sports, but the only thing I've ever had is being somewhat booksmart. :L If I fail at that then ..
    Lol sorry, bad example, I don't do physics. ahha
    um Idk. should I do 14units for now? I don't want to waste too much time. I am so game. Got 4 people all trying to kill each other for dux :L L Fun year this will be....
    ohh :L hm. Idk whether to take it up or not. I have 13 units already but hand in assessments are more my area. I blank out in exams sometimes :(
    So it's not really a mammoth scaler like physics and the like hey ?
    Hey Enoilgam :) You're a humanities person right? How does hist ext do in terms of scaling and workload? Fair gains?
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