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  • i have another lyric if u'll indulge me:

    well he loves a little woman,
    someday he'll make his wife,
    saving all the overtime,
    for the one love of his life.

    Partay @ certain liberal BoS members house Fri night, know it's V short notice, but would u like to be my date? will meet some movers and shakers in the BoS house.
    Come come, let's not be this way. Just between you and me, i'm very surprised that you actually did resign. Surrounding context? Other circs?
    Cheers bro. I think you made the right choice. As I said, I harbour no hatred for you and enjoy some of your thoughtful posts, even though theyre wrong and youre immoral.
    i like living in the past sometimes :(. Ah well, bedtime for me, good night, sweet dreams
    Google tells me this is from Dave Graney, your namesake pray-tell? Are you using a song titled Rock 'n' Roll is Where I Hide to hide? or do i just read too much into things

    well i have some lyrics too (much more poppy, told you i was a teeny bopper)

    Yesterday I cried
    You must have been relieved to see the softer side
    I can understand how you’d be so confused
    I don’t envy you
    I’m a little bit of everything
    All rolled into one

    I’m a bitch, I’m a lover
    I’m a child, I’m a mother
    I’m a sinner, I’m a saint
    I do not feel ashamed
    I’m your hell, I’m your dream
    I’m nothin’ in between
    You know, you wouldn’t want it any other way
    lol, u better not be trying to scare me off with some your odd comments, or do u just flirt in a very mysterious way?
    :( well I LIKE you, so i'll continue to bombard you with messages untill we meet again
    how do you know what room i'm in?! and u've never got to see my bedroom, i never asked you up to it :p
    yay! you're back. how is it going, did you settle in allright? ARE THE FISH OKAY?!
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