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  • meh but im not a fan of investing too much into computers (well i was a few years ago but that's because my parents gave me the money). I cbf spending few 100's on a graphic card or getting new parts>.<.. I would play on low-medium setting still good enough!!!!
    ofc man -.- my comp is beast still it can handle any game easy it was $2500 few years ago. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ. I was 초딩 back then so yeahhh :))>

    50만원 is not that much tbh over a few years :).

    But yeah i will need a new graphic card hopefully i got the gts 350m on one of my comps and a 8800 on two of mine :).
    ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ only 10만원?? I spent like 50 LOL on maple story XD... and some cunt hacked my account ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

    Star is pretty good XDDDD!!!. I saw getamped on ongamenet in Korea i didn't really like it :( .,,,.,.,.,. But defs fps is good. I think i'll get bf3 XD
    getamped is the cartoon figure and you get weapons and shit and you fight right??

    I know XD. WHAT YOU DON'T PLAY STAR?? every korean does though!!!!

    btw special forces 1 sucks. I played it on ijji when it come out.

    possibly worst fps ever created. Im so disappointed koreans made that shitty fps , it's disgraceful.

    You play star???
    KOREAN SUDDEN FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love trg sniping dude..

    But the pros always kill me in 1 second in warehouse XDD , na is full of nooobs zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    Add me after hsc! im a bit 초보 but im probably beter than you :)DD jks

    Im not sure if my comp is good enough to handle bf3... i got 8800 gt and some other gaming labtop but labtop is for my drama XD.....

    me finish hsc on friday you jelly ;D, my gaming spree starts from then. 12 HRS OF GAMES WOOT. 6HR FPS 6 HR MMO. Im looking for Korean mmo probably tera online or aion. FPS probs sudden although im not a fan of the graphics ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
    HMmmmmm i'll probably get bf3 or mw3 then. I got mw2 and black ops but they're both shit.

    Sudden has worst graphics dude!!!!!!!!!! what are you talking about lol.

    bf3 idk i heard it's not that good as it looks. Although i like the jets and etc.
    Thanks for updating your profile picture l know how to spot you when l see you and make your life misery.
    I wanna try 스페셜포스2 it has godly graphics XD..... I'll probably get bf3.

    Don't you mmo? Like maple or WoW??
    Is that you in your profile? You look Asian. hahaha

    I am skinny. I weigh like 61-62kg and I'm like 5'8" - 5'9" or some shit. (I'm not really sure about my height tbh)
    Man i was writing too fast yeah so this distorted my flow kind off. I was under the time pressure for ~4000 words which sucked.

    But im happy i did well!! Paper 1 was hard man. i think it destroyed my chance for band 6. ARGG T.T
    Same man i made grammatical mistakes here and there.

    I forgot to follow P-E-E-L also T.T.

    I wrote 48 pages but this was good for Module C and B. Module I had limited time so had to rush a bit and i was so tired.
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