ilikebeeef's Newbie's Guide to BOS Survival (I would classify someone as a newb until their post count reaches 100, unless they sound like they know the place well)
Only Post in: Secondary Education, Contact Moderators or Site Help
Avoid posting in: Other topics especially Non-school and NCAP. However if you are interested in the types of games/clothing/whatever that is being discussed, feel free to post in these areas. Don't openly diss things though.
Be: Aware of the reports system
Don't be: An idiot or a troll.
Do: Rep people and be a genuinely nice and open person (however, stand up for yourself too).
Don't: Neg people.
Make some: friends
Join: open and large groups such as "I LOVE FOOD" and "Procrastinating? Me too." to show that you're not just a lurker who does nothing. If you join I LOVE FOOD, then participate in discussions such as "what is your favourite food?". People aren't going to flame you there unless they're a retard.