Misinterpreted the question on hybridisation within a species. Don't know what else was on the page, think it was intermediate inheritance but everyone screwed it up. But yeah, more work needs to be done on stuff obviously.
heyy amani! =) how u been, hoppe ur studying and not gettin distracted like i did this time last year
hope everythings goin well wiv you, i jst wanted to check up on ya
tcc mwahs
I thought I did well in bio as well, only just scraped a pass. Screwed up one page and lost a few marks here and there and everything was down the hole.
hahah, thats Ritard for you, generally he managed to keep in line, and when he gets banned he just comes back under another account, unfourtunately you just have to grin and bear it sorry
Umm, not great to be honest. Did alright in Modern and Ancient history but screwed up Biology, Chemisty and English. Did average in Extension history.
What about you?
Sounds like the story has some really good potential!
Nice work! did u top the half yearly?
yeah i love my science!
Career wise i'm aiming to study med, become a doctor and hopefully specialise, but u can never know what the future holds for u, so i'm not planning too much ahead
What are you hoping to do?
LOL million miles an hour
yes that's happened so much...infact did just that in the half yearlies...sob..screwed up so bad =.=...
good to know you did good (Y)...see even though you study, its the anxiety that just ruins it all...
cool DRIVING..lucky one...lol im not even old enough >.>
lol spectacular..hmm..o i got into this uni computing course xD
studying for half yearlies (some are after the holidays)
yes..how exciting lol...apart from that..same old boring stuff ..meh
hehehee cuuteee
hahaha thats nice ii hope so.. i know you did no doubt about that
hahaha so true so truue
ive been working at a business firm in my area and been hanging out with friends and parties
tc xx
Cool how much of the story have u done? what's it about?
That's so true, but i still wish i could drop it though, (sigh), i just want to live and breathe science lol.
I so agree, prelim bio was a bit of a joke for us, our class didn't take the actual classes seriously, and we went pretty alright in the assessments despite having done no work but now were all really competitive.
All the weird names lol, i really don't know how people get away with naming things like that
yee good. i've only been doing a bit of study ill do more next week though
naaa hvnt been easter show since year 9 haha, waste of money
just been catching up with friends, going gym and cruising around; my cuzn gave me his car so kool !