I had the weirdest dream last night. I had a dream that me and my classmates from my primary school were taking an English exam while we were all sitting on the toilet!!!
Reports are so rigged!! I got my report the other day and my yearly average for geography was 87% which is an A but my teacher gave a B. And for English I know some people who got straight C’s in exams but got a B and some people who got b’s in exams that got a C.
my report for semester 2 was so much worse than semester 1. Even worse than any report I’ve gotten in high school
My English teacher is so annoying! Today we were analysing poems and I was annotating it on my iPad because it is more convenient and he got so mad at me. But I literally used my iPad in math, science, DT and History and none of the teachers gave a fuck about it. Why are teachers so old school. I better be allowed to use it in all my subjects next year
I can't believe in my geography exam I wrote about the SEATO treaty which was about communism when I was talking about security and my teacher didn't mark me down on it!!