Maybe just take the main points for now and then when school starts and u make class notes find some time at the end of the week and combine ur notes to make summary notes. So instead of doing it all at once u can spread it out throughout the term. Then during the weekdays and before exams u can...
I mean having detail is kinda important for bio to do well but u can also try drawing diagrams, flowcharts, etc to make it easier for u to remember and connect different concepts together
How about medicine at western Sydney uni. The minimum selection rank is 95.5 or 93.5 if u live in western Sydney. Or is it still really competitive to get in there
Also sometimes there will be key signatures. (Sharps or flats next to the clef). If a note has a sharp or flat in the key signature the note must always be a flat or sharp in the music unless there is a natural sign
I think there are some games online where they can test you on note reading. Also maybe find some videos online to help you. But if u have any questions I can prob answer
That’s not even that bad. My average for this year was 67% 💀. But it depends on ur teachers cause my teachers mark really harsh and half the grade failed