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  • It makes me paranoid that I'm going to get in trouble for posting anything that is even vaguely controversial :(

    But I am enjoying it - thankyou for assistance re: PM :)
    Graney told me to shrink it!


    Big Pole's presence has threatened each of our positions as The Gay of BoS. We must retaliate with as much softcore porn as possible. Lend your signature to the cause!

    Tell him that if he gives me special avatar status then I will give the command for you to be his sex pig for a month.
    You can't offer blowjobs to Laz in exchange for my having special avatars?
    toots, I want a giant sized man love av. Use your power to help me make this happen.
    Thanks! I can stop shamelessly sucking up to all the mods now :D

    Although my affections for you will never dwindle :shy:
    Oh wow. I'l have to go to the Metro and buy stuff from you. Live like two minutes away.

    Or maybe I'll just hide in the bushes and take photos eerily.
    LOL. dude, im just toying with you.
    i was bored. lol

    but hey, nice to talk to you, i think we have NEVER had any sort of interaction across BOS ever.
    lol "just happened to be on my profile", aye? :shy:

    Congrats on expansion of modship duties - did I mention that you are the greatest person ever?

    *meaningful glance*
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