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    yep... i have a test in about three hours (an online quiz) which i'm freaking out for. do u have uni today? or did u have uni today?
    i'm at unsw studying b-economics. It's quite stressful
    awww well aren't u sweet. where r u studying currently?
    do i know u from somewhere wixxy2348?
    yayyyyy! uni!! the good life :cool:

    can't wait till then :D

    but for now i've gotta tackle the preliminary year and then theeeeeeee HSC first :eek: =)

    did u enjoy your last year of school??? or were u overly stressed with the HSC?
    hello, thanks for the friends request wixxy2348. I have accepted =)
    Oh, wow! service cashier Isn't too repetitive is it? could you describe some of the roles/duties of a service cashier PPT?
    well I'm definitely not going for supervisor or anything along those lines for now.

    Also for some reason positions at the woolworths around my area don't seem to pop up very often...
    Where is your woolworths at, at the moment..in terms of employing new people..??

    =]=] :)
    Hi there wixxy
    you work at woolies am i right?

    I was just going survey a few people for my own interest, what position/s have the highest turnover rate at woolworths?? Like deli, service cashier , etcetera
    So do you know of any positions available at your store?

    Thanks...you know heaps about the fresh food people :)
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