Para still got all the bitches despite being gay
(Source: fb [if i remember correctly he had a pic surrounded by girls])
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I don't think that's the real renegade tbh he doesn't troll like that, even he never crossed the boundaries like that
But if that's the real renegade then he needs fk off
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Ffs this is getting ridiculous
First was renogademx
Then this
What's next
Tbh yea
Anything goes with rice lel
lmao every azn household has those mats
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I hate pracs
Like i was struggling to cut a potato for my first bio prac assessment
Like shiet was not taught to cut potatoes
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I have no skills in mx1:')
Turns out bio was alright
Most of the stuff i didn't study didn't appear in the test lolol
I probably lost alot of marks in my wording gg
And chem is easier than maths
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