ahaha lolz azn eggs rice and soya sauce nah kidding it depends hm.. dunno i usually wake up at 2-3 pm now have to adjust for uni probably toast and milk then go since its quick and simple.
do they creep you out with the dissecting of a real human body? what about the smell? i am just wondering because i did biology and we had to dissect a ox kidney which was okay kinda went gagged cause of the smell and next was the cane toad which i almost puked at since the smell was rank. Now i...
well luckily my school is in the western sydney area so +5 and additonal two from eas ^^ so maybe still to thats 7 total. I was so close for band 5's as well for pd i was 2 marks off and bio i was 5 marks off. hahah lol hope to see u there as well.
i got 54.6 uai is there still a chance getting into uws in a course like sport science (pdhpe) and plus i heard that the additional points are awarded only if you get a uai of 60 and above.
well some parents need to loosen up here seriously, But i am still abit down but i got above fifty but below 60's so kinda cut. My brother got 90.00 so im like being called the dumbest of my family atm so shugs im not letting it bother me too much. So there ya have it.
i have not touched pd since stuvac because i have to study for engineering and chem. MAN I HOPE NO JAKARTA DECLARATION IS IN IT AND ALSO NO FAT 15 MARKERS! so yea not prepared, but freedom is so close.