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  1. B

    BComm or BComm/ BEco

    i didnt do 4u maths in HSC, how hard is it to keep up with the maths in acturial? Is it really hard?
  2. B

    BComm or BComm/ BEco

    what does everyone recommend instead of accounting to compliment finance?
  3. B

    BComm or BComm/ BEco

    Sorry if this is a stupid question, but whats so bad about accounting?
  4. B

    BComm or BComm/ BEco

    Thanks for your help guys. Im thinking of doing Bcomm(accounting/finance)/ BEco (econometrics), but when i told the people at the aus school of business of what career i wanted to get into, they said i said i should have business law as one of my majors. Is it necessay to do business law?
  5. B

    BComm or BComm/ BEco

    Hey guys, im interested in getting into asset management or some sort of risk management field. Im just wanting anyones opinion on what course (out of the above)/majors to do?. I have already recieved an offer to BComm at UNSW and deffered it. Any advice would be greatly appreciated :D
  6. B

    Business career

    Hey, im going. Anyone know what its about?