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  1. J

    whats the meta for doing well in the hsc?

    Do you think its possible to do bad if you're doing this everyday, past papers and marking and making sure you learn from your mistakes?
  2. J

    whats the meta for doing well in the hsc?

    Is it just doing past papers all day, and marking them. And then for english just memorising a 20/20 essay?
  3. J

    How many past papers per day?

    How many past papers are you guys doing a day during the lead-up to the hsc? After doing one (3 hours), I feel so tired, so IDK how you guys can do multiple a day.
  4. J

    Question for ppl sweating the hsc rn

    When you get back home from a school day at around 3pm, how many hours are u studying and what exactly are you doing in ur time.
  5. J

    How to actually focus and study

    Don't you get distracted if you get a question you cant do or smth
  6. J

    How to actually focus and study

    Dont you constantly check to see what the timer is at though, like checking how long you have left.
  7. J

    How to actually focus and study

    How do I actually sit down and study without getting distracted, I'm always doing multiple things at once and its so hard to actually sit down and focus on one single task.
  8. J

    Understanding the content fully

    How do I fully understand the content in maths advanced? Like I know the steps to solve questions but I feel like I don't fully understand it. An example is probability distributions. How can I more fully understand topics??
  9. J

    HSC comeback

    whats marks did u get before the hsc and ranks? And what marks did u get in the hsc?
  10. J

    HSC comeback

    Can you tell me more haha
  11. J

    HSC comeback

    Im like 11/30 for chem, 7/34 for business, 17/70 for maths advanced, 10/60 for english standard and 1/19 for geography
  12. J

    HSC comeback

    My predicted was around 85, so would it be possible?
  13. J

    HSC comeback

    Has anyone ever done mid/not bad in their internals (70s-80s), and absolutely smashed the hsc, getting above 90+ atar? Is this possible?
  14. J

    Module 8 clarification ion identification

    Could someone clarify, with module 8 questions that ask to identify the ions or to draw flowcharts...etc. Are you meant to just memorise solubility rules, flames tests and all that. Like are these questions just completely memorisation? And if so, what exactly is everything you need to memorise.
  15. J

    Moving from NSW to brisbane at the start of year 12. What do i need to know for the qce?

    Moving to a new state and starting Year 12 in a different educational system can be a significant transition. I'll try to address your questions as thoroughly as possible: Term 1 Start in Queensland: In Queensland, the academic year usually starts in late January or early February. Term 1 for...
  16. J

    maths trig 2u question

    how did you know which steps to follow though, cause just looking at this question I would not have figured that out
  17. J

    maths trig 2u question

    how do i do these kind of questions they're so hard to me, my brain just doesn't know what to do to solve these. please help
  18. J

    Chemistry mod 6 question

    oh true lmao cheers
  19. J

    Chemistry mod 6 question

    Me too, I'm confused bc another question in this paper had one of the answers as reactants/products instead of products/reactants