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  1. justanotherposter

    Muslim Students demands muslim ONLY Prayer room at RMIT

    Okay, guy with redbox and poorly structured arguments that were demolished by simple googling.
  2. justanotherposter

    Muslim Students demands muslim ONLY Prayer room at RMIT

    Both times were on BoS when I decided to mingle with and/or respond to the bottom feeders of the forums.
  3. justanotherposter

    Muslim Students demands muslim ONLY Prayer room at RMIT

    Actually, any ethnic person can be a fob, fob is short for "fresh off the boat" afaik.
  4. justanotherposter

    Muslim Students demands muslim ONLY Prayer room at RMIT

    contradictory definition | Thought I'd keep the flow going.
  5. justanotherposter

    Muslim Students demands muslim ONLY Prayer room at RMIT

    You have to read the text that comes before the part where I belittle your intelligence. irony definition | Ironic how ? I'm so proud, I've been accused of being a Jew and a Muslim in the same week. Both times by :spzz:. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside :). I've helped...
  6. justanotherposter

    Muslim Students demands muslim ONLY Prayer room at RMIT

    I've torn down every one of your last few posts you intellectual midget. lol oh, I thought you were referring to me or scissors and I was like 'wtf'. Yeah, agreed - stop, Schroedinger. I will be the next NCAP mod.
  7. justanotherposter

    Muslim Students demands muslim ONLY Prayer room at RMIT

    I hate you Schroedinger. So much. :wave: edit: Oh lol, I thought you were claiming to be the troll :P.
  8. justanotherposter

    Muslim Students demands muslim ONLY Prayer room at RMIT

    What evidence do you have that there isn't a plantation of tomato crops that are on Mars that are impossible to be seen with telescopes? And no one is claiming that a certain demographic isn't causing ANY trouble. I'm arguing with the numbers you're pulling out of your ass.
  9. justanotherposter

    Muslim Students demands muslim ONLY Prayer room at RMIT

    Study: Wikipedia as accurate as Britannica - CNET News BBC NEWS | Technology | Wikipedia survives research test Why are you making such assertions without having any proof to back up your claim that Arabs are the cause of 95% of crimes. Please be smarter. Please.
  10. justanotherposter

    Muslim Students demands muslim ONLY Prayer room at RMIT

    No, moll. is correct on this point - they could have an Arab background and born in Australia and they'd be classified as Australian, the term is pretty ambiguous. Incorrect, I know the facts he's referring to, it's on wikipedia and it's from 2001. Again, please be smarter.
  11. justanotherposter

    Muslim Students demands muslim ONLY Prayer room at RMIT

    Not at the moment, your mum is on there. Btw - you're a 09'r now?
  12. justanotherposter

    Muslim Students demands muslim ONLY Prayer room at RMIT

    At AppleNader, Scissors you knob jockey.
  13. justanotherposter

    Muslim Students demands muslim ONLY Prayer room at RMIT

    Asking you to be smarter than most isn't a big ask.
  14. justanotherposter

    Leaked blacklist proves the Internet censorship scheme a farce

    Yeah or just pay $5p/m for a US VPN. Or use a free one like hotspotshield. I use it whenever I want to use, not bad for a freebie.