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  1. J


    Anyone else find these hard to remember? I'm always getting confused between which are rising/falling and also get alot of different trends depending on the text book/wesbite etc. So would anyone be able to give me a list of trends or ones that you know for the priority areas? Would be much...
  2. J

    multiple choice answers

    This could be way off... but. With ectotherms if environment rises, our body temp starts to rise but then receptors detect it and initiate a response to lower it. although our metabolism decreases with increased temp, so i'm probably wrong anyway lol. just a thought.
  3. J

    Loving the BoS?

    I agree, both english exams have had relatively basic questions :-) Also we didn't have to write in any other form except an essay. Was stocked about that! Now they just gotta be nice with their marking :P
  4. J

    Transformation: RAGAD and Hamlet!

    yer it was really specific, and the quote was way to long lol so i pretty much ignored it. I did mainly free will, with a bit of destiny and death, and then talked about how theatre and language reinforces the values that reflect an individuals control lol. a whole laod of crap and half of it...
  5. J

    Prac questions

    Thanks, so pretty much any prac question just try fit it all in somehow??? I hate prac questions lol.
  6. J

    On Campus Accomodation

    Put my application in for campus east a few weeks ago. Does anyone have any idea of roughly how many people apply and how many people get rejected??
  7. J

    Prac questions

    Just wandering... in the hsc for the questions on pracs what things do you include? Like i know for 8 marks you generally need to talk about everyting (method/results/conclusion/safety/variables/reliability etc) but i was unsure for the 4/6 mark questions, when they say...
  8. J

    What will be asked this year?

    Yeh, his only mentioned in heading for point 5. 'Macfarlene Burnet's work in the middle of the 20th century contributed to a better understanding of the immune response and the effectiveness of immunisation programs' so i'm guessing all you'll need to know about if (if there did happen to be a...
  9. J

    Was Text 3, Section 1 a Dog or Human??

    Re: The Poem Was About A Dog? It didn't even occur to me once, i just assumed it was a person. But when I got out a few of my friends were trying to convince us it was, and it did make sense lol. But it wouldn't go against you not mentioning, or mentioning the dog cause its our own...
  10. J

    Biodiversity question...

    Yer i was trying to deicide the difference between monitor and maintain lol. Thanks for your help :) Its a past trial paper so I can't find any marking notes/guidelines lol.
  11. J

    I just can't get it..

    What about finding multiple choice questions and going over them??? Like past hsc/trials etc. I find that their not as boring as simply studying. May not be enough, but if you do enough it should help cover at least the main points, which may make understanding the more indepth stuff easier...
  12. J

    Biodiversity question...

    Explain the need to maintain biodiversity and identify two current efforts to monitor biodiversity. (3 marks) I know the first part, just the current efforts? Is it to do with land clearing restrictions/protected species/bag limits on fish and stuff or am i completely wrong lol. Thanks :)
  13. J

    What will be asked this year?

    I had a feeling about macfarlene when i saw a multiple choice quesiton and realised i knew nothign about him. Its not part of the syllabus so I wouldn't think it would be a major question but I got this stuff from hsc online about him jsut in case : MacFarlane Burnet was an Australian...
  14. J

    Blood Pressure

    Thanks heaps. :) Its from a past Barker trial paper. I am hoping the hsc isn't abstract as the questions in it. I prefer syllabus direct questions lol.
  15. J

    Blood Pressure

    My first post so hope this works :P. Just practicing a past paper and there is this question: "Normal venous pressure in the feet is about 25mmHg. When a person stands completely still, the blood pressure in the fett rises very quickly to about 90mmHg. Apply your understanding of the...