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  1. L


    Hey all hmm i fairly liked tht test, esays were quite good but i think the appreciation limited me a bit... so i sort of made a few a points... but the 2nd repsonce was so unpredicted!i never knw the BOS would do a effectiveness Q even though i prepared for it haha cause i love effectivess Q's...
  2. L

    Section I: Multiple Choice

    Re: Multiple choice answers Umm.... how did u even rmeber this? lol i dont rmeber any of the Q so i dont even no wat the if i got anywhere close to wat u got... but yeh a few Q i wasnt too sure about like 3?
  3. L

    Section II : Short Answer

    Hmm a bit wierd... i real lmade studd up for globalisation... i did china and bulshited how chinia used olympics as a source of eocnomic growth through reduction of pollution and raiisng infratrsuture would tht be right?
  4. L

    General Thoughts: Mathematics Extension 2

    wel yeh the 2007was eeasy. and this yr they gave us a hard one.. so next yr it could be an easy one again cause they proably think "of fuk" everyone screwedd up so much... so we need to chnage the standard? Wel ye i think the test was hard, unusual and unexpected, especially with so much harder...
  5. L

    Estimate your raw mark

    maybe 60...
  6. L


    does anyone no the cut off for E3 from previous yrs?
  7. L

    General Thoughts: Mathematics Extension 2

    Re: What did you think? yep definetly agreed...
  8. L

    Band E4 cut off

    Yeh... i didnt do too well... at those actually... few Q6 were hard..
  9. L

    Q3-4 hard?

    Hey man wats with it this yr.... Q3-4 were so hard... those circle ones? did anyone get it out? i really lost all direction when i saw it so i skiped it after like 5 mins looking at it.
  10. L

    Band E4 cut off

    man last yr was so easy compared to this yr... Q3-4 were hard! those circle thingy we had to solve. i had no clue..
  11. L

    Which section was the best?

    C- telling the truth was general ... what i expected
  12. L

    English Advanced Overall Mark

    Oi sieorusly for the uai plus schemes do they take into account the "alligned mark" or purely the HSC mark?
  13. L

    Anyone else disliked tht test?

    PTFF no! theres so many out there tht disliked the test e.g ME! Hamlet was so specific, my whole planed essay didint go on paper, cuting bits and peices on the spot and wasted like 10 mins just reading tht STUPID quote..... and i stil dont get wat its saying... Also Wuthering heights the Q...
  14. L

    what is narative tehcniques?

    Hey I saw this for wutheirng heights... at the time i interpretated as the narators.. and how they reflect the memroies etc.. and i struggled so bad on tht.... someone else told me it meant normal tehcniques? :S.. if it is i sieorusly hate mys4elf..
  15. L

    Transformation: RAGAD and Hamlet!

    Yeh me too! i wrtoe liek 1/2 a page on death then scripled it caus ei couldnt get my head around it.... yeh... i was specific
  16. L

    Anyone else disliked tht test?

    R u sieorus? i thought it was the diferent narrations....... :S fuik....
  17. L

    Anyone else disliked tht test?

    yeh the Q was just so differnent... form the rest! i blame BOS.. goodbye band 5 :(
  18. L

    Anyone else disliked tht test?

    OMG... what a gay test i hated it! did anyone else felt the same? Especially section 2.... "narrative tehcniques" WTF? i seriously wrote "nothing" with no evidence to suport... def failed tht essay.... Section one was a bit wierd.. with the new quotes they gave us... argg
  19. L

    how to tackle this Q?

    oh kol thanks! nice one!
  20. L

    how to tackle this Q?

    oh ok.. But saying true and not true, wouldnt the thesis of the essay be not sustained? Cause ul be aruing against one thing then ur saying the other? I had a preapred essay and when i tried to adapt to tht Q i found it so hard.. :cold: that Q was so difernt form the others?