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  1. D

    I don't know what i'm doing when it comes to studying

    Your problem seems to be a lack of motivation rather than intelligence. Write down why you want to do well. You're doing the HSC for yourself, not for your parents, not for your friends, YOU. But you need to have a reason that isn't just "because I have to". Once you have a reason, you have...
  2. D

    why snps are more common in non coding regions than coding?

    Yeah exactly what Hiva said. If you want to go into even more detail, you can say that typically, coding portions of the gene are highly conserved. This is because a nucleotide change will likely have a more obvious effect on the protein due to an amino acid substitution, or some other change...
  3. D

    how to state rank?

    Hahah no, I messed up one assessment so I wasn't ranked first internally (which is typically required for state ranks). Going off just trials/hsc exam it would've been either 1st or 2nd in the state though. The guy from my school who ranked 2nd in the state that year got the same mark in the...
  4. D

    how to state rank?

    My school got a lot of the state ranks so we all knew each other and our marks
  5. D

    Bit lost with studying 😕

    Don't make prospective timetables, it's a waste of time as nobody sticks to it. What you should do is have an idea of what you want to achieve each day, and plan out your day when you wake up in the morning depending on how you're feeling.
  6. D

    how to state rank?

    No, they then do tie breaking using decimals, or if they are the same to 2dp, they use other indicators, such as the overall quality of the answers, and even handwriting
  7. D

    how to state rank?

    97 was first in state in 2019, 96 state rank
  8. D

    Any Electrical Engineering students, please help me.

    I never left CS, I left another science degree - I'm studying Biomedical Engineering and Computer Science
  9. D

    Any Electrical Engineering students, please help me.

    Not at all, I transferred into engineering in my second semester of uni. One of my reasons was literally "I liked minecraft redstone, engineering should be fun" hahaha I'm loving it right now, it's definitely not easy and I'm working my ass off, but I feel like I'm constantly learning cool new...
  10. D

    Any Electrical Engineering students, please help me.

    Yeah, CS is just practise. I came into uni not knowing how to program at all and I was terrified, especially since there was a 50% fail rate for the introductory unit. However, if you just do the problems, ask questions on the forums (I was texted by the coordinator because they noticed I asked...
  11. D

    Any Electrical Engineering students, please help me.

    Thevenin and Norton are ways to simplify circuits. It's useful if you want to reduce a circuit into just a voltage/current source and a resistor, which can make subsequent analysis easier. So here, you could replace the entire circuit on the LHS from the perspective of a, b with either a...
  12. D

    Any Electrical Engineering students, please help me.

    Of course you're going to struggle, you haven't learnt the prerequisite knowledge This question is okay, assuming you know about KVL, KCL, mesh and nodal analysis. I have made a youtube playlist that helped me do well in the course - have a watch of the first few videos (I skip basic stuff...
  13. D

    Should I be reading my prescribed texts in the holidays?

    Yes, undoubtedly. This is one of the most important things to do during the holidays as English texts take a lot of time to internalise and it doesn't require much effort in terms of reading.
  14. D

    Work experience

    In terms of getting into med school, it won't help much if at all. The majority of schools care about GPA/GAMSAT, not extracurriculars. That said, it's still super important to see if you actually enjoy the work, so think of this as an opportunity for self-development
  15. D

    Best Trials?

    Pretty much all are reflective of the difficulty. However, no one can predict the content since the HSC is moving towards skills based rather than content problems. Most schools have made a conscious effort to make trials easier to make it more reflective of the actual HSC. They prefer that...
  16. D

    Scholarship Documents

    Oh lmao, you gotta be way more specific next time idk if you can get the undergrad 2022 because it seems to be only for school leavers, not those who already are at uni
  17. D

    Scholarship Documents

    Oh mb, I thought he was talking about accelerated marks. What scholarship are you applying for? If it isn't for school graduates, they'd likely want your uni transcript and not really care about your HSC/report card in that case
  18. D

    Scholarship Documents

    Not really, I mean you can include it, but what they really want is your trials marks/report card/teacher comments. Most people don't have HSC exam marks at this time.
  19. D

    Scholarship Documents

    Academic Transcript, Personal Statement (or just answering their questions ie. highlight why you deserve the scholarship), sometimes Letters of Recomendation