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  1. L

    How to deal with teachers when a sub is dropped

    I'm most probably dropping ext. history when school resumes seeing as its been mismanaged and I know I'll do better in five other 2 unit subjects anyway. The only problem is that my ancient history teacher pushed me into doing the subject so when I drop I'm going to have to deal with her long...
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    Home and Away

    Oi, ShiftyIceBitch... What happened on last night's ep?
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    The 2020 Summits

    These summits are nothing more than rehearsed statements from people who believe they can make a difference. Many will have brains but no action plan, hence both will be a WHOLE LOT OF TALKING AND VERY LITTLE DOING. The youth summit is idiotic. ANYONE CAN RAMBLE ON ABOUT HOW ABORIGINES NEED...
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    Just a 'B'??? (13/20)WTF!!!

    Or the teacher is a cow that could've given him the 16 he feels he deserves.
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    Just a 'B'??? (13/20)WTF!!!

    Other than the time I got blown up for going against my teacher's mark in year 11, there was this time I got this crappy mark in English and the teacher knew how annoyed I'd be so he said he'd discuss the mark. I asked him about it... he got seriously annoyed... never heard from him since.
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    Just a 'B'??? (13/20)WTF!!!

    Personally, I think it's fine to have a whinge. Just be careful not to offend the teacher. I mean, you have a right to know where you went wrong. I don't think you should be called a "whinging idiot" just because you're upset with your mark. ALL IT MEANS IS THAT YOU ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT YOUR...
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    Sick for exams, what happens?

    Go to your Curriculum Coordinator/ ring them (this really should have been done before the exam started), tell them your illness and show a doctor's certificate. You can claim illness/misadventure and usually what happens is that you'll receive the average of your previous assessment marks for...
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    what sort of chicks/guys do u HATE the MOST??

    I hate the "o's" By that I mean: 1. Druggo 2. Alco 3. Emo Feel free to add...
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    How many douche-bags at your school???

    You're right. In nearly all my classes there are people that just don't work and basically make it hard for the ones that are serious about their studies. They're only still at school because their parents forced them or they're just looking for a year 12 completion certificate even if they...
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    Just a 'B'??? (13/20)WTF!!!

    Why don't people like that fuck off and get an apprenticeship, or dig a hole and plant themselves I totally agree! Anyway, in relation to your mark, I wouldn't worry too much. It seems as though a lot of people did worse than you and besides last year I attempted to have my work remarked by...
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    choosing subjects for Year 11

    Look, the board of studies confuses everyone just so they can pull a few strings and keep James Ruse College coming first every year and everyone else is none the wiser!
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    tim winton = sex addict?

    I like Tim Winton, he writes in a very abstract/ symbolic way a lot of the time. I agree that Cloudstreet/ Dirt Music do have a few references to sex but I guess that just adds to the reality of life. READ CLIVE JAMES' UNRELIABLE MEMOIRS - NOW THAT'S VULGARITY!!!
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    choosing subjects for Year 11

    How you choose your subjects: a. Look at what subjects are assumed knowledge for the uni course you want (remember if you can't choose these then you can always do a bridging course) b. Do subjects you enjoy c. The teacher DOES matter d. Do subjects you can get a HSC mark of 85% or over...
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    Taking Drinks into the exam room??????

    Author's Name: Peter Goldsworthy Not that hard to spell but getting zero for an author's name written on your hand is pretty tough. I'd agree that after 10 weeks of learning about a prescribed text every student should know how to spell it.
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    Taking Drinks into the exam room??????

    At my school it's a clear water bottle without labels. We can't bring in pencil cases, only a clear plastic sleeve and even that's checked before the exam starts. We even get threatened that if we don't look straight ahead or down at our exams we could get zero. It's funny because a mobile...
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    Teacher's effort V Student's effort

    Though I do agree with you Aerath in saying that the student determines their own results based on their determination to do well/ proactive attitude, flickade4 does have a point. At my school there are some brilliant teachers, however (like in all schools) there are some that treat there job...
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    It doesn't matter what you do... you can get that uai you want by being within the top 3-5 ranks in your subjects and overall you would want hsc marks of 85 or over. To get high 90's in your uai you can afford to get a mid eighty but you must balance that out with a high ninety in something...
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    Should Religous Schools Be Shut Down?

    How do you know that? We may go somewhere and understand the meaning of life? Anyway good point!
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    Should Religous Schools Be Shut Down?

    On a different note from my previous post I find the whole "Does God exist?" debate pointless bordering on cruel. Though some posts do put forward some good points, others go a bit far. We're never going to know if God actually exists until we're dead so in the mean time you either have faith...