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  1. callisto

    How many pages did you write?

    soo.. confess! how many pages did you write for each module???
  2. callisto

    Grey's Anatomy

    k who watched Mondays episode? how GROSS were the Judy doll heads that guy swallowed?! barfff its getting more interesting tho next weeks episode looks real good
  3. callisto

    all-time favourite song(s)

    Time - by Desree has been my favourite for about 5 years
  4. callisto

    The Real Inspector Hound

    heres a tutorial paper i did on hound as an assignment from last year. it got 24/25 ________ When confronted with a mirror, one is often forced to examine the reflection of reality starting back at him. The quality of the reflection ultimatly depends upon the quality of the mirror, and the...
  5. callisto

    Justice Game Essay

    heres some help for you ppl doing the justice game! this is a PM i sent to a student asking for help about the justice game your eng paper2 is tomorrow. so if you STILL have no idea of what its all about then read this.. ________ ok so you're doing the justice game. its not easy cause theres...
  6. callisto

    What UAI do you want?

    i want 100!
  7. callisto

    Spanish Contiuners

    Hey yeah I thought the exam wasn't too bad..!! haha jk I didn't do it. I did the spanish continuers HSC last year but though I'd reply cause I'm not sure you're gonna get any replies anyway. not many ppl here do it. pero.. como fue? dificil? o facil? lemme now how you went! I miss...
  8. callisto

    Someone sitting AoS English today (Tues)?

    I did my school certificate in Peru, back in 2002 when I lived there It;s not the same as the HSC obviously, no where near as strict, but I had to be supervised by the principal of the school I was at. the papers were sent over by FedEx and got there like the day before. thing was, I did...
  9. callisto

    Taste of Chaos! - Oct 29th

    well whatever floats your boat. but i dunno what else you could do on that saturday night that's gonna top it
  10. callisto

    Taste of Chaos! - Oct 29th

    have you actually got a ticket tom?
  11. callisto

    who ran out of time?!

    haha i know but its fun to watch you guys stress out while sitting at the computer typing up uni essays now shut up and go study some more
  12. callisto

    How many answer booklets did you use?

    hah i was joking sif i would write 10 you're all waaay too stressed to see the humor in it
  13. callisto

    who ran out of time?!

    anybody run out of time? dont you hate those last five minutes.. 'shiiiit. i've still got to write about my related texts and go finish off my gay creative writing piece..!!!' so any kiddies desperatly run out of time? its only two hours, i hear you. not enough time. you really should get...
  14. callisto

    How many answer booklets did you use?

    haha this question is always a favourite. LAST YEAR I USED 10 IN THIS EXAM how many did you guys use?
  15. callisto

    What instrument do you play?

    yes yes it;s already been pointed out
  16. callisto

    Donde estan los alumnos de habla hispana?

    de verdad? que malo! hoy dia.. estoy en mi casa. estoy TAN aborrido :(
  17. callisto

    Question 2 (Merged)

    how was the question???? better than last year????? or worse????
  18. callisto

    What am I still doing up?

    GOOD LUCK YEAR 12! jus remember to please don't stress!!! its one of the worst things you can do.. stay calm, read the paper carefully and write quickly! it'll be over in like 4 hours!
  19. callisto

    What instrument do you play?

    yeah? and what kind of sound does that make..
  20. callisto

    Taste of Chaos! - Oct 29th

    100 dollars says i do.. whilst wearing my crash helmet and 10-inch thick suit of padded foam HAH no i think you're right. i did plan to get home alive that night and as such i will probly avoid the mosh for killswitch