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  1. Misturi

    Brain interpret variety of colours....

    For the last question l put camoflauge, mimicry, mating and poison/danger I hope l was right. I didn't put any specific animal species though.
  2. Misturi

    Vertebrate Forelimbs

    I only wrote about the 5 structured limb, hopefully thats right. I talked about how the limb was changed in evolution by the type of environment the organism lives in e.g. whales with their flipper thing to help them swim.
  3. Misturi

    enzyme experiment (8 marks)

    I did the pH, l did no ph, 4ml hcl, 2ml hcl, 4ml naoh, 2ml naoh with milk that was heated and the bactierium in each test tube. hard to explain..l hpoe the examiners understand!
  4. Misturi

    Communications: TECHNOLOGIES

    I wrote about choclea implants, hearing aids, myopia and hyperopia (and how they can be corrected) and cataracts. Oh and l wrote 5 and a bit pages. My writing was spaced out but it was different in areas.
  5. Misturi

    did u see it??

    I am so happy, l took a wild guess and checked my textbook as soon as l got home and l was right :)
  6. Misturi

    The Graph!

    I did a bar/column graph, using black (lead pencil) coloured in column for females and stripy for males. Wasn't the heading already given though?
  7. Misturi

    All Mutation are Harmful

    I agreed and disagreed - after all it did say discuss so l agreed and disagreed. I said some are harmful while others are not which benefit the organism in some way while others can be deadly and kill the organism e.g. cancer.
  8. Misturi

    Multiple choice *answers*

    Thanks for those answers - 12/15 Not what l expected but..still alright.
  9. Misturi

    relationship between proteins and polypeptides

    I'm doing communication so thats fine. So (without looking) genes code for polypeptides Polypeptides make proteins :)
  10. Misturi

    Blinking Reflex and Pupil Reflex

    I've never heard of the blinking or pupil relflex. Is it in the syllabus?
  11. Misturi

    relationship between proteins and polypeptides

    I hate this dotpoint, l can't do anything with polypeptides - l don't get them at all. Thanks babydoll for making it clearer :) Oh babydoll - do we need to know any more of them or any more detail?
  12. Misturi

    How'd everyone go??

    Nah you said that high ph is alkaline - acidic, when alkaline - basic.
  13. Misturi

    Best HSC Biology Textbook?

    thats what l do!! i find it really good for revision. sometimes excel has info hein doesn't and vise versa,
  14. Misturi

    Best HSC Biology Textbook?

    I like excel guide. I find its great to read through and go through your dot points just to refresh your memory.
  15. Misturi


    Thanks Willmaker - I hpoe there aren't any other sneaky 9.1 dot points that we need to know.
  16. Misturi


    Thanks :) Sorry for interrupting your studying!
  17. Misturi

    punctuated equilibruim

    Gradualiam is slow and steady change of a species over time. Punctuated Equilibrium is fast change of a species over time. I think thats very basic... I would elaborate but l'm drained at the moment :)
  18. Misturi


    thanks luke and azure. I really, really hope thats the 8 mark question :)
  19. Misturi


    thansk sophis and justin, l think l'll go with clarke. What if its more than a 2 mark question?
  20. Misturi

    How'd everyone go??

    High pH is alkaline (basic) Low pH 0-7 is acidic.