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  1. tehsky

    Good Luck to Everyone in Chem HSC

    good luck p.s wahts a mole? :X
  2. tehsky

    Module B - King Lear

    Re: King Lear Module B i talked bout lear n cordelias relationship since cordelia being the "joy" of the family is the backbone to the order that ensues in the kingdom; if the relationship is removed then chaos presumes then i analysed how this relationship is evident in act 1 scnce 1 and act 5...
  3. tehsky

    Paper 2 Section 2 Module B

    =o i talked bout lear n cordelias relationship since cordelia being the "joy" of the family is the backbone to the order that ensues in the kingdom; if the relationship is removed then chaos presumes then i analysed how this relationship is evident in act 1 scnce 1 and act 5 scene 3; showing...
  4. tehsky

    Module A- BR and BNW

    i did a similar response; talked bout the quality of humanitys relationship w/ nature in both texts and obviously how they differ and the quality of relationships between other humans in both texts hopefully a high B+ or A response =]
  5. tehsky

    Raw mark for Band 6 in Chem??

    r u srs...? :o as in 80/100..RAW? as in ONLY 20 MARKS LOST? ;o wowie.. wooot that means i just might get 1 band 6 :D
  6. tehsky

    Lil Help from a past HSC Question.

    i need more space lol ;p btw anyone know if i can find standards for this question? id like to see how its done; or examples to be more honest =p
  7. tehsky

    Lil Help from a past HSC Question.

    Q20. from 2005 HSC Chem paper " The flow chart shows a series of steps involved in the production of ethyl butanoate. Glucose -> Mixture containing ethanol -> pure ethanol -> ethyl butanoate Describe the chemistry and procedure involved in each of these steps, using diagrams where...
  8. tehsky

    King Lear CSSA 05 Question

    gaaaaaay. ive got stock responses for everything else but for lear its like next to impossible ;o id be over the moon if i get even a 16/17 for lear :D
  9. tehsky

    King Lear CSSA 05 Question

    Come on...its a simple question lol is the hsc allowed to be so specific? possible answers: yes/no. PICK ONE NAO.! =D
  10. tehsky

    Advice please!

    lol just use the 'i ran outta credit' excuse and as if its hard to ignore ;o just be like buh byeeeeee. and continueee doin whatever =]
  11. tehsky


    uhh the 01 Q was "how might different productions dramatise the struggle between chaos and order in king lear?" why wud the bos ask a question regrading productions and then mark u down..? thats just stupid sooo many ppl tell us differnet things its not funny ive heard so much bs on what to...
  12. tehsky

    King Lear CSSA 05 Question

    i was just practicing past papers and came upon this; the question is "You have just auditioned for the part of either Edmund or Regan for a proposed production of King Lear. Write a letter to the director, outlining the way you see the character. Explain how you propose to play the part for...
  13. tehsky

    active thrusting before orgasm

    whatta horny child. why on earth would you want to know that? =p
  14. tehsky

    Things that distract you from study

    everything =x i see a dog outside i run after it frantically i see a snail outside i chase it frantically i just cant seem to sit my ass down for x hrs straight and learn the bueaty of mathematics =[
  15. tehsky

    What does your study area look like? (contains photos)

    loller; fair nuff hun =p and color? ;p im suprised my shit camera was able to capture the life that inhabits my room =p too blurryy. :x
  16. tehsky

    What does your study area look like? (contains photos)

    ;o whyyy...? and i stole my sisters laptop =p i wish i had my own one, they're evar so neat ;D
  17. tehsky

    polystyrene make that website one of your best friends along with google =]
  18. tehsky

    What does your study area look like? (contains photos)

    whee i rate the walls =D my room =] buttt compared to you guys ive got 1) NO RESOURCES =P 2) A SHIT SMALL ROOM 3) CLEAN ROOM!. man hsc here i come >.<
  19. tehsky

    so...... hot....... can't.... study.....

    stop making excuses and studyy!!!. btw study naked. its hawt =D it keeps me cool so :D ;p
  20. tehsky

    Recommend some music for me based on my tastes

    unwritten law =]