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  1. B

    Practice for Q7-8

    just wondering but does anyone else here actually have difficulty with majority of the Qs in the CSSA trial papers? I'm about to kill myself..........
  2. B

    Who IS studying for trials and what are you doing?

    Did 1 CSSA MX1 paper. Did the 2001 and 2002 HSC Chemistry paper. Currently trying to figure out wtf History and Memory is actually about to work on the visual assignment to be due week 1 back.....
  3. B

    How much prelim. content carries over to yr. 12?

    Everything in the 'prelim' course of Mathematics and MX1 is needed for the HSC. Prelim English Advanced is just practice for the HSC course. Nothing carries over. Prelim Chemistry is good to know for the HSC course, esp. the formulas and reactions like neutralisation and reactions with metals...
  4. B

    Official HSC trials thread

    94% for adv. eng.... crazily good.
  5. B

    Official HSC trials thread

    After the trials are over there is only like 2 months until hsc now that's scary.
  6. B

    Any Helpers??

    whatever you do, don't give it to a 2010 hsc student.........
  7. B

    Droping Subject

    failing in senior science is very bad for you. drop senior science.
  8. B

    Books or refill papers?

    definitely books at school, you'll begin to lose everything and it gets very tedious to be organised with 10000 loose sleeves of paper and a folder. It's a wonder how I still managed to do my dot points for chem and bio. I ended up using books after like 2 terms.
  9. B

    ATAR estimate

    it's only your prelim year, things shift when you hit your hsc year (trust me a lot of people will get shuffled around in terms of ranks). Come back when you get your half-yearlies HSC report. :)
  10. B

    Good Subjects for Year 11/12 ?

    Just try Mathematics first if you can to see if you can cope with it, as General Maths won't do you any justice. If you can't cope with Mathematics (2U) then it's probably better to not take up any maths at all. The scaling for General Math beyond horrible and unless you're really confident...
  11. B

    Year 11 Subjects PROBLEM

    it's possible but almost unrealistic.
  12. B

    Highest ATAR 2010

    even if they did fail, the top student will still get 99.95... since atar is a rank.....
  13. B

    Highest ATAR 2010

    the ppl that don't post on BOS during schooldays. :[
  14. B

    Around what rank schools are closest to HSC Percentile

    I don't think you should worry about this, just let the UAC handle it. Plus its hard to say anyway, but if you're in the top 50% of James Ruse, you are, without a doubt, in the 99 percentile in the state. Also wasn't there someone in JR who get <70. If I had to guess, a person in the 50th...
  15. B

    best 10 units among 11

    BOS lets you do 6 unit of any science, but no more than that.
  16. B

    Tommykins please read this, i need help

    standard and advance english scales rougly the same, so a 90 in standard is like a 90 in adv. Except the aligning for adv. is a lot better than standard (for example, only the top 50 in NSW will get band 6 in std, while the top 1200 will get band 6 in adv). so it's harder to get band 6 in std...
  17. B

    Freaking out about maths.

    yeah, I'm hoping the first 40% and the trials will at least make up for my atrocious results. good luck to you too! we'll both need it I think. also what subs do you do anyway?
  18. B

    Sense of no hope!

    winter sucks ass it makes me sleepy.
  19. B

    Freaking out about maths.

    I'm freaking out about maths too... did poorly for my last MX1 and MX2 assessments (worth 20%, which means that 60% of my internals is complete). trials worth 40% it's do well or die for me.