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  1. G

    good maths tutoring for selective student?

    didnt scom just dip for a while im pretty sure thats why people dont like scom any more from our grade
  2. G

    95+ ATAR??

    for UTAS you need insanely high ATAR (high 99s) because they have a massive bias towards Tasmanian students compared to interstate and UQ/CQU weigh it 33% when deciding to give an offer so you still need a really high atar (99+ would be best), you are probs best off applying JMP and WSU if your...
  3. G

    I think I screwed up..

    im pretty sure the reason rurals have lower requirements is because they found that those who come from rural backgrounds are more likely to work within their communities and that is important considering the rural shortage we have rn of doctors
  4. G

    Atar Estimate

    wait so the piglatin term for "she" is eshay?
  5. G

    I think I screwed up..

    also dont forget you can apply next year whilst in uni and redo the UCAT and get a good GPA if you dont get in this year and still want to do med
  6. G

    I think I screwed up..

    You'll be borderline for WSU but i dont think youll get JMP interview unless percentiles drop and youre score becomes 93rd percentile (which was required last year)
  7. G

    Fort Street VS SGHS for Year 11 and 12

    I swear science faculties are just universally shit
  8. G

    I think I screwed up..

    If you feel that you're ATAR is gonna be weak relative for medicine (<99) i recommend trying to aim for 95+ and grind for UCAT, focusing on the VR section, in addition to this start volunteering and try to participate in activities which you feel will cultivate youre leadership and figure out...
  9. G

    how can I use other peoples notes??

    100% this ensures you dont miss anything importent
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    On track for 99?

  11. G

    On track for 99?

    Hey I was just wondering if my internal ranks are on track for a 99+ atar or not? Subject/Rank/Expected Band 6s English Adv/109/100ish Maths Adv/6/80ish Maths Ext1/57/130ish Legal Studies/12/25ish Physics/12/50ish Chemistry/21/60-70
  12. G

    how can I use other peoples notes??

    I didnt make any notes for this year for any of my subjects and the main thing i did was to use other people's or tutoring notes while doing practise questions, so i learnt the content while in class/tutoring and then when i am doing any practise questions whether it be tutoring HW or past paper...
  13. G

    LAT advice

    Apparently LAT doesnt matter too much if you get a decent ATAR (98+) see: link
  14. G

    NSW Premier resignation

    bruh all the candidates look so shady
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    NSW Premier resignation

    who do yall think the next premier would be?
  16. G

    NSW Premier resignation

    wait so even if she is cleared she wont be able to continue in politics?
  17. G

    usyd scholarship

    if our school hasnt done trials can we not apply?
  18. G

    need help figuring out an option- post-grad med

    If you are thinking of doing medicine check out medstudentsonline, its basically like BoS but geared towards medicine, check this link out, and check out pitfall #2 i think it is relevant to your situation.
  19. G


    How is it decided if you get an e12 offer, does your written application matter that much or is that fact that you fit into one of the disadvantages which is the main thing?