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  1. Misturi

    Disabled.. what do u think it is?

    Hey vanessa. My brother has a disability...Autism. He has difficulty in expressing his feelings etc.
  2. Misturi

    NRL Thread

    There are a lot of teams l love...l dont care weather or not they take players - thats the way the game works. You take players and you gain players. I'm not very happy that we got tahu...l wold have prefered someone else over him. EDIT: but then again, l am only thinking about one state...
  3. Misturi

    NRL Thread

    *cries* Wheres my Burty? He has to do something in this game..
  4. Misturi

    Butter Menthol Commercial

    Yeah thats the one l thought of too. But isn't it called "Monday Monday"?
  5. Misturi

    when skool start next term?

    We have 15 people in our grade. There is already a thread on how big your grade is...somewhere in this school board.
  6. Misturi


    Pay Day!!!
  7. Misturi

    NRL Thread

    We got Girdler?
  8. Misturi

    when skool start next term?

    Class or grade? And if class, what class?
  9. Misturi

    when skool start next term?

    Same, but on the first week l have 2 then 1 each week after that for 2 weeks.
  10. Misturi

    when skool start next term?

    I go back on the 26th :cool:
  11. Misturi

    NRL Thread

    I am so sorry to bring this up again (but l haven't been online for two weeks) l just wanted to say: WELL DONE EELS AND WELL DONE LUKE BURT!! You all played an excellent game - well done! Ok, l'm done...sorry about the interruption, continue on with whatever was said before :p
  12. Misturi


    I also need help with fineline - l lost my notes from class :(
  13. Misturi


    I didn't get to use a knife either. I didn't cook, use a knife or do much. I only made garlic bread as well as prepare food.
  14. Misturi

    NRL Thread

    Chad Robinson is coming back to where he belongs :) You stole him from us first! :p
  15. Misturi

    Saucy photo offends school

    She's obviously in love with herself. 'Top Ten Supermodels"..why?
  16. Misturi

    reputation - new feature

    I reputated myself on another account (which was done by my friend who was over at the time as an experiment) but then l guess it wans't counted because it was created on my computer and my ISP is the same.... so its grey - it doens't count.
  17. Misturi

    Saucy photo offends school

    Watch out on the highway - we might see her there often seeing that she's out of shcool.
  18. Misturi

    Chaucer - Pardoners tale

    I find it to be the most easiest text. For our half yearly all wehad to do is describe greed for a magazine and use examples from the pardoners tale and a simple plan.
  19. Misturi

    How much study these holidays?

    I have 3 assessments due each week after the holidays plus a representation task for enlgish plus trials....busy busy busy!! I'm going to study as much as l can...but my biggest problem is bos...
  20. Misturi

    Group Memberships

    Thats a cool idea..l can't wait to see what they are!