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  1. T

    English Tuition (Adv/Ext/Ext2) and group lectures!

    I studied John Fowles' The French Lieutenant's Woman and Sally Potter's Orlando, both of which were prescribed under the postmodernism elective. :)
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    Need Adv. & Ext Eng Tutor :)
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    English Tuition (Adv/Ext/Ext2) and group lectures!

    Thanks for all your interest, guys! Unfortunately, I've been inundated with requests for weekday tuition and it seems unlikely that I'll be taking any further students for quite a few months. If you're still interested, please post/send me your email address and I'll contact you whenever a...
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    how to avoid falling asleep during lectures?

    So uhh... self-discipline, anyone? I found that usually works.
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    general UNSW chit-chat

    I'm a stupid first year who effed up enrolment and missed all her deadlines. Doesn't know what's happening. So going to admissions office tomorrow to plead my case. Lulz. I think I'm going to hang around uni for a bit lulz and make it my habitat. God, it's been so long since I've been...
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    How do you pick out the First Year Students

    Hmm. Now I feel like a bit of an old fashioned geek. All these girls wearing makeup and heels to class... Am I the only one who feels there's a time and place for everything? If there's a lecture that finishes at 5pm on a Friday evening I'd wear heels and take a change of clothes. Otherwise...
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    Med Camp @ UNSW

    You must surround yourself with emotional degenerates if you think the internet can halt someone's emotional passage through life. Don't take the internet too seriously. In any case, I think race is irrelevent in the face of sheer stupidity. To whom this concerns, get out more and argue your...
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    Med Camp @ UNSW

    I love how so many threads pertaining to Medicine turns into a multipage racial debate within the first ten posts.
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    How do you pick out the First Year Students

    * They still compare UAIs * They stop in front of the uni map (I lulz when Med students carry their textbooks around with the cover facing away from them so that everybody can see they're studying anatomy... It's very subtle, if you ask me.) This is all very rich coming from me lol
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    Has people on the BOS ripping on UWS made you change preferences?

    I have two words. Bond University. You don't even have to graduate from highschool to get into their MBBS. Where was I? Ahh- that's right. Someone hand me my gun. If you're stupid enough to let a bunch of idiots on the internet having a laugh sway your university preferences, you belong in a...
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    Why is Medicine harder to get in than Law?

    WHY IS MEDICINE HARDER TO GET INTO THAN LAW? lol the roots of this thread...
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    hai guyz do u think we should tattoo DFEE on fee payin students foreheads?

    I laughed out loud for a good minute lol my god. As much as I'd kill to take your advice on board, UNSW is fob central-- to say nothing of the science courses. I'll be putting up with Lees for a good year, at least lol
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    University Exclusivity

    They also like to use euphemisms. Is anybody else mildly unsettled? I want to see what happens if Mr Rolex turns out to be gay.
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    Why is Medicine harder to get in than Law?

  15. T

    Why is Medicine harder to get in than Law?

    ... Best. Thread. Evarz. Brb guyz g2g to harmonica lessonz.
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    Bewildered Yr 12 Student

    Could I have your email? I'm in the Strathfield area and I'll be able to take you on for one on one English tuition and I know of a 3U Maths tutor who is more than capable of help you out-- both of us are very reasonably priced and I'm willing to negotiate a discount as you live in my area. :)
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    hai guyz do u think we should tattoo DFEE on fee payin students foreheads?

    So in other words, UWS is still U-Went-Shit lol sigh. Anyways, back on topic-- yes, this thread is serious business. I'm willing to bank some serious money into tattooing the heads of unwilling DFEE students. Stand outside lecture halls and interrogate everybody as they enter. As soon as a...
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    Why is Medicine harder to get in than Law?

    Mhmm. You hit the nail on the head, teacher. I hate your uni for rejecting me! Rawr. Discrimination against Asian lesbian cyborgs. Sigh. When will it ever end?
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    University Exclusivity

    Personally, if I'm an employer with two people sitting in front of me with the exact same qualifications and the only discriminator is university, I'd take the USyd guy over Mr UWS. But what the hell do I know-- I'm UNSW. Is there a uni hotline for these kind of things? Or at least a...